EHP Code for REHVA network
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Attend the Euroheat & Power Summit 2024!


REHVA is happy to share, that,  thanks to a close and loyal collaboration with EHP Summit, we have the opportunity to offer a promotional code to our network! Indeed, enjoy a 10% discount using the code: REHVA10! 

The Euroheat & Power Summit is a high-level, not-to-be missed policy event focusing on the decarbonisation of the European heating and cooling sector through the deployment of efficient district heating and cooling networks.

This 2024 edition promises to be exceptional and will provide an opportunity to:

  • Host the launch of our flagship European campaign, #Bringheathome
  • Present the latest 2040 and 2050 heating and cooling decarbonisation scenarios, developed by the renowned Aalborg university
  • Trigger an in-depth reflection on EU regulatory tools and financing instruments needed to accelerate the heating and cooling transition in the next EU mandate

Enjoy a 10% discount for all REHVA network members using the code: REHVA10.

Discover the agenda and REGISTER NOW!

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062