ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings (ALDREN) - Implementing the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme, as back-bone along the whole deep renovation process
Coordinator: CSTB - Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment
Duration: November 2017 - April 2020
Website: ALDREN
Consortium members
ALDREN develops a holistic procedure for a building renovation passport integrating the European Voluntary Certification Scheme (EVCS). The procedure associates low energy renovations with high indoor environmental quality, advocating for renovation while also promoting health and comfort for occupants.
The REHVA Technology & Research Committee will be engaged in the definition of the ECVS-based language in terms of energy performances and health requirements.
REHVA develops trainings organised to convey the ALDREN procedure underpinning the building renovation passport across HVAC engineers in Europe, thanks to the involvement of its Member Associations.
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