The demand for cooling in domestic and non-domestic buildings is rising throughout the world. This increases the reliance on conventional fuels and the global warming effect from greenhouse gas emissions.
Passive cooling and energy efficient design can substantially reduce reliance on fuel based heating and cooling, contributing to the European target energy saving of 35Mtoe by 2010. Passive and Hybrid Downdraught Cooling, in different forms, is now technically viable in many parts of the world. This has been established through a combination of research projects supported by the European Commission and built examples.
To move to a situation where the number of applications moves rapidly, from a few pioneering buildings, to many thousands, will require widespread acceptance of this approach among clients and professionals, as well as increased awareness by the general public. A series of dissemination activities are proposed to promote the developed technologies in Europe, China and India. The target audience will include developers and owners of buildings, as well as building design professionals. The dissemination activities will include the creation of a Design Manual (targeted at design professionals), a website which will be updated throughout the project (targeted at both design professionals and a general audience) and a series of Symposia, Workshops and linked educational Seminars.

The project's objectives:

- To promote Passive and Hybrid Down-draught Cooling systems (PHDC) in the building sector amongst building design professionals, developers building owners and potential users;
- To disseminate the results of previous EC-funded research projects on PHDC, and knowledge arising from the pioneering built projects.

The PHDC Project Partners organized a series of SYMPOSIUMS 'Cooling without Air-Conditioning' where the technologies are presented and explained, and where the PHDC Project results are presented and discussed. These results essentially consist of:

- A 'Source Book' which constitutes a practical yet extensive guide to the PHDC Downdraught Cooling technologies and their use, and of 
- A 'Software Tool' which is an easy pre-design tool allowing one to evaluate the feasibility and benefits of implementing Downdraught Cooling in a building.


The first symposium  was held in Madrid, Spain, on 13rd of November 2008, and it was very successful.
Information is available on the project web site.


The two PHDC Symposia organized by PHDC Partner SRIBS - Shanghaï Research Institute of Building Science were held on 20-22 May 2009 in Shaghaï and Ningbo, China.
It gave an excellent opportunity to share information and discuss needs and technologies between Chinese and EU delegates.
Information is available on the project web site.


The PHDC Symposium in Valletta, Malta, was very successfully organized by PHDC Partner AP of Malta and was held on 25-26 June 2009 at St James Cavalier, Valletta.
Information is available on the project web site.


The PHDC Symposium in Athens, Greece, was held on 15-16 October 2009 In central Athens, ans was very successful. It was jointly organized and hosted by CRES as the local organizers and PHDC Partner.
Information is available on the project web site.


The PHDC Symposium in Bologna, Italy, was held on 29-30 October. It was organized by PHDC Partner MCA in the framework of the SAIENERGIA Fair, wich is part of SAIE, the biggest construction trade fair in Italy which takes place from 28 to 31 October. SAIENERGIA took place last year for the first time and was very successful. This succes was confirmed this year.
More information is available on the project web site.


The three PHDC Symposia in India were very successful: they were held in New Delhi on 12-13 November, in Hyderabad on 16-17 November and in Ahmedabad on 19-20 November, organised by PHDC Partner Abhikram.
Information is available on the project web site.


The last and final symposium of the series  'Cooling without Air-Conditioning' was very successfully held in London, UK, on 7-8 January 2010.
Information is available on the project web site.

This project is supported by the European Commission under the FP6

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