Newsletter Issue 2/2014
March 2014
REHVA Community News
REHVA Annual Meeting 2014
"Energy efficient, smart and healthy buildings"
The VDI-Technical Division Building Services will host the REHVA Annual Meeting 2014 in Düsseldorf, Germany. From 28th to 30th April 2014 leading experts from the international building services community will be guests in Germany. More than 150 visitors are expected, when the VDI-GBG welcomes the members of REHVA, the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations. REHVA internal meetings and the REHVA General Assembly will be held around the technical conference “Energy efficient, smart and healthy buildings” at 30th April 2014 at the Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf Airport. The main topics of the conference are ventilation and indoor-air quality, cooling load and building automation. The conference language is English. Download the programme. Registration is open.
ACREX in New Delhi

REHVA was actively present during the latest edition of ACREX exhibition and conference in New Delhi. REHVA and ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) renew the Memorandum of Understanding for two more years. Since the first signature of the MoU in 2012 between the two associations, several shared activities were organised in joint collaboration.
This year during the exhibition, REHVA prepared and distributed with the collaboration of Eurovent Certita Certification a special issue of the REHVA European HVAC Journal and sold guidebooks. REHVA had the opportunity to disseminate technology and information for mechanical services of buildings during the exhibition. At the REHVA-EBTC booth, participants had the opportunity to discuss and network.
REHVA, in collaboration with ISHRAE organized also a seminar on the topic of "Commissioning" on February 28th. In this workshop, the international development of commissioning process and how the third party commissioning process can be implemented in India were discussed. The primary goal of building commissioning, from an indoor environment and an energy perspective, is to verify and optimise the performance of building systems. The presentations of the seminar are available online.
REHVA Seminar during Aqua-Therm Prague - 5 March 2014

REHVA organized a seminar on "Technologies for nZEB" at Aqua-Therm Prague exhibition on March 5th. This seminar was well attended by more than 70 HVAC professionals. You can download all the presentations online.
REHVA and AICARR seminar at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort

REHVA organized on March 19th in collaboration with AiCARR, a seminar on Towards nearly zero retrofitted buildings, and prepared and distributed with the collaboration of Eurovent Certita Certification a special issue of the REHVA European HVAC Journal.
The topic of designing and constructing nearly zero energy buildings has been firstly addressed to new buildings. Nevertheless, the big challenge for the European Countries is to focus in increasing the energy performance of the existing building stock. As highlighted by several European projects and researches, the energy properties of buildings are really poor and high potentials of energy savings can be achieved by energy renovation actions.
In this scenario, it is important to analyse which are the real strategies to develop and the proper technologies to set for retrofitting existing building up to the target of "nearly zero energy, taking into account the suitable trade-off between energy and economical goals as introduced by the cost optimality approach.
All the presentations are available to download online.
REHVA Journal issues
The March issue is available online by clicking here. The featured articles are:
- nZEB definitions in Europe
- Construction Products Regulation (CPR) applies also to HVAC products
- Smart Micro Energy Network for Eco-Communities
- Total economy of windows and facades in low energy office buildings
- The performance assessments of fuel cell technology in residential application
To read all the 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 REHVA Journals, please visit the REHVA Journal section in the REHVA website. Register online to get your free copy of the REHVA Journal!
The April issue of the REHVA Journal (3/2014) will focus on nZEB. The editor of this issue is Olli Seppänen (
The June issue of the REHVA Journal (4/2014) will focus on Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation. The editor of this issue is Olli Seppänen (
EU Project News
Expositions on 3ENCULT retrofit solutions for cultural buildings in Bologna
The Urban Center of Bologna hosted an exposition about the 3ENCULT project from 20 February – 9 March 2014. On the Opening day, 3ENCULT Partner Bologna City organized also a conference about the results of the project. Further information are available in the project website.
3ENCULT aims at the development of passive and active solutions for conservation and energy efficient retrofit including available products and new developments. 3ENCULT defined diagnosis and monitoring instruments, developed long term monitoring (also for IEQ controlling) tools as well as planning and evaluation tools and concepts supporting the implementation, the quality assurance and success control of the energy retrofit measures.
EU Policy News
EP voted for ambitious F-Gas phase-down
Members of the European Parliament voted on 13 March in favour of the new F-gas Regulation updating the ineffective 2006 Regulation allowing industry significant exemptions. The new Regulation features a comprehensive set of effective measures providing real incentive for a market transition to climate-friendly alternatives.
The ambitious new Regulation will reduce F-gas emissions by two-thirds of today's levels by 2030 and ban the use of F-gases in some new equipment where viable climate-friendly alternatives are readily available. The main novelty and driver for moving towards climate-friendly technologies is the introduction of a phase-down measure which from 2015 will limit the total amount of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) sold in the EU and reduce their quantities to one-fifth of today's sales by 2030. This measure is accompanied by a number of new restrictions on the use and sale of F-gases in equipment. These ambitious measures will build on and benefit from the successful phase-out of ozone-depleting substances which was achieved in the EU 10 years ahead of the internationally agreed schedule.
Study and EC non-paper on Ecodesign and Energy labelling review - REHVA position taken into account
First findings and recommendations as well as a EC non-paper on the proposed new Energy label design are available in the website dedicated for the review of the Energy labelling and the Ecodesign directives. REHVA submitted a position paper last year within the review process and welcomes the fact that the report deals with all major recommendations of the REHVA position.
Findings of the study and the non-paper were presented at a final stakeholder meeting 18- 19 February 2014. Main recommendations of the study are following:
-Exploring the possibility of a system approach and approaches of package label (e.g. installer labels" as in ENER lot 1 for space heaters)
-Considering non-energy aspects where appropriate
-Increased level of ambition of Implementing Regulations and to extend Energy Labelling to B2B products
-Introduction of an EU wide Primary Energy Factor (to allow for comparison amongst products)
-Improvement of market surveillance
-To avoid further expansion of the scope due to limited resources
eceee launched new FAQ pages on EPBD
eceee launched a set of new pages on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, (EPBD). The new pages represent the first step in providing new and updated information helping all stakeholders to navigate the complex EPBD. A totally revised Steering through the Maze Guide on Nearly Zero Energy Buildings is in the planning as well. The new pages complement eceee's FAQ pages and Steering through the Maze guide on the Energy Efficiency Directive, published in December. Source: eceee
EU Project News
iSERV results will be presented at REHVA Annual Meeting 2014
Close to the project end, iSERVcmb results will be presented to REHVA Members and Supporters on the REHVA Annual conference "Energy efficient, smart and healthy buildings" on 30 April 2014 in Düsseldorf. The scope of the conference will be to offer various stakeholders - researchers, industry, building owners, end users, consultants, engineers, architects, policy makers - a platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge and innovative technical solutions.
REHVA community endorsed and disseminated already the HARMONAC project and is looking for the learn about the final results about the H.E.R.O tool, HVAC system benchmarks across iSERV partner countries and the future exploitation of the online tool. iSERVcmb results will be presented by Ian Knight based on the final outcomes of iSERV partners joint work.
The conference programme and registration details are available in the REHVA website.
REHVA – iSERV joint seminar on Energy Effective Operation of HVAC Systems
REHVA organized its 2014 Seminar together with the iSERV project consortium around the topic of "Energy Effective Operation of HVAC Systems" on February 13th 2014 at the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels. The seminar covered a wide range of topics: updates from high level EC speakers on EU policies related to buildings energy efficiency including the new financing opportunities; results of the iSERVcmb project and a discussion about their further exploitation from policy and industrial perspective.
Project Officer Pau Garcia Audí (EASME) pointed out the importance of iSERVcmb in improving energy efficiency: in order to convince end users to increase their energy efficiency EU policy makers have to speak the language of the non-professional user groups actually consuming the energy. To achieve this, we need to be able to collect real energy data, to benchmark evidence based energy use and express energy saving opportunities in financial terms instead of metrics like kWh or primary energy. The H.E.R.O. tool developed by iSERV provides help in reaching these goals.
3ENCULT final Workshop in Brussels
3ENCULT project comes to its end in March 2014. A final workshop organized together with the Architects’ Council of European was held in Brussels on the 6th of February attracting architects, engineers and EC representatives from Brussels.
Articles about the project results will be published in the next REHVA Journal, i.e. about the novel BMS system developed for cultural heritage buildings integrating available technologies in an innovative way; or the certification scheme for energy retrofit of cultural heritage buildings developed by PHI. Public final results of the project will be published it the 3ENCULT website.
The project 3ENCULT bridges the gap between conservation of historic buildings and climate protection, which is not an antagonism at all: historic buildings will only survive if maintained as living space. Energy efficient retrofit is useful for structural protection as well as for comfort reasons - comfort for users and "comfort" for heritage collections. 3ENCULT demonstrates the feasibility of “Factor 4” to “Factor 10” reduction in energy demand, depending on the case and the heritage value.
EU Regulations
Construction Products Regulation (CPR)
According to the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) "construction product" means any product or kit which is produced and placed on the market for incorporation in a permanent manner in construction works (buildings and civil engineering works) or parts thereof and the performance of which has an effect on the performance of the construction works with respect to the basic requirements for construction works.
Most of HVAC products are used in buildings, in order to provide healthy and comfortable indoor environment without wasting energy. Therefore, HVAC products can generally speaking be regarded as construction products.
The Construction Products Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011 (CPR) was adopted on 9 March 2011. CPR is replacing the Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD) is laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products.
An article has just been published in REHVA Journal 2/2014. The same information will soon appear also at the "EU regulations" webpages. The article gives brief introduction to the most essential features of the CPR, and also links to some of EU webpages, like the "CPR front page
According to the Regulation, construction products are subject to obligatory CE marking, which means that CE marking is affixed to construction products for which the manufacturer has drawn up a declaration of performance (DoP) and thus taking a responsibility for the conformity of the product. The Declaration of Performance gives the product manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential characteristics i.e. those characteristics of the construction product which relate to the basic requirements for construction works of his products. More information.
In order to be able to declare the product conformity, the product must be assessed according to a harmonized European Standard (generally) or European Technical Assessment. In the case of HVAC products, this is today possible for still relatively few products, like radiators, fire dampers, smoke control dampers and gas boilers.
Click here. It gives a full and updated list of all harmonized European Standards under the CPD and CPR.
For products not covered or not fully covered by a harmonized European product standard, a European Technical Assessment (ETA) can be requested by the product manufacturer. More information about ETA.
Under the Construction Products Regulation (Art. 10) Member States shall give information on rules and regulations for construction products. These product contact points had to be established by 1 July 2013. A list of national CPR product contact points can be downloaded.
International fair

ISH China & CIHE 2014 - China International Trade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Ventilation & Air-conditioning - 13-15 May 2014, Beijing, China
ISH China & CIHE is the leading fair for the HVAC and sanitation industries in Asia. The three-day event expects to welcome over 950 exhibitors and is estimated to cover more than 85,000 sqm of exhibition space across six halls with the latest innovations and practical solutions in HVAC and sanitation technology. A new and highly in-demand section on Building Water Supply and Drainage will be added to its 2014 edition. A series of fringe programmes – including seminars, product showcases and networking events – will be held for exhibitors and visitors. The programmes allowed guests to exchange in-depth market intelligence with attendees and build strategic partnership with their peers. -
Upcoming HVAC events
XIth International HVAC+R Technology Symposium
8-10 May 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
More information
13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
July 7-12, 2014, University of Hong Kong
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Chillventa 2014
14-16 October 2014, Nuremberg, Germany
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RoomVent 2014
19-22 October 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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45th HVAC&R International Congress
3-5 December 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
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For more HVAC events please check the REHVA Events Calendar on and also