Newsletter Issue 5/2014
September 2014
REHVA Community News
REHVA Seminar at the 2015 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago : Operation of Energy Efficient Buildings
Presentation Title: Managing Ventilation and Infiltration Rates in NZEBs
Session Date and time: Sunday, January 25, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
A preliminary technical program will be published in the October issue of ASHRAE Insights and the final technical program will be posted online at
Read the REHVA EUSEW 2014 report
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) took place in Brussels and across Europe on 23 to 27 June 2014. Every year, EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) gathers hundreds of organisations and individuals. REHVA participated in the EUSEW High Level Conference in Brussels and prepared a detailed EUSEW 2014 report as well as an executive summary about the event. The report is available on this page.
Young Researchers’ Conference and Award: Energy Efficiency and Biomass
Mark your calendar for the 25-26 February 2015. The Young Researchers' Conference will be held in the context of the World Sustainable Energy Days 2015 in Wels/Austria. With more than 750 participants from over 50 countries each year, the World Sustainable Energy Days are one of Europe's largest annual conferences on sustainable energy. The organiser covers the costs of accommodation, meals, participation and local transport for up to 60 selected participants.
Call for Papers - deadline 10 October 2014
Young researchers (born after 1979) are invited to submit contributions at, call by 10 October 2014. Submissions are welcome from any scientific field. The best contributions will be honoured with the "Best Young Researchers' Award: Biomass" and the "Best Young Researchers' Award: Energy Efficiency".
The researchers will each receive 1000 Euro as prize money. The winners will be selected from the oral presenters. Further information at
REHVA Journal issues
The September issue of the REHVA Journal (5/2014) is available online by clicking here.
The November issue of the REHVA Journal (6/2014) will focus on Innovative HVAC solutions for high performance buildings - The editor of this issue is Stefano P. Corgnati (stefano.corgnati(at)
To read all the 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 REHVA Journals, please visit the REHVA Journal section in the REHVA website. Register online to get your free copy of the REHVA Journal!
EU Policy News
The second generation of ”CEN EPB” Standards are approaching CEN Enquiry
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) refers to European standards to be taken into account in the calculation of the energy performance of buildings and systems. The EU puts strong efforts on the development of European standards, which can enable the harmonisation of diverse methodologies and measures for increasing buildings energy efficiency in the EU member states.
The second generation of CEN EPB standards will be launched from 2015. The revision work of the existing standards (more than 40 standards altogether) started in summer 2013, and has included major changes, a few new standards have been added, a couple of standard have merged, a couple have been split into two or more. All standards have changed in their structure: only normative issues will be included in the Standards (EN), and informative issues are put in the Technical Reports (TR).
According to the most recent news from CEN, the public CEN Enquiry for the draft Standards is expected to start in October 2014.
REHVA has started actions to prepare our profession’s views on CEN EPB standards. REHVA has an official liaison status in three CEN Technical Committees (TC’s 156, 228 and 371), and in several Working Groups (WG’s) under these committees.
New European Commission – Junker merges Energy and Climate change portfolios
President-elect Juncker unveiled the new shape of the next European Commission in September introducing significant changes in the structure and portfolios of the Commission. The new European Commission will be streamlined to focus on tackling the big political challenges Europe is facing among them energy security. A number of portfolios have been reshaped and streamlined.
The new College will have seven Vice-Presidents, six in addition compared to the former structure, which will be in charge of coordinating Project Teams: different commissioners and directorate generals related to the main policy challenges. The Vice-president for Energy Union is Alenka Bratušek, Slovenia’s ex-prime minister, steering and coordinating the Project Team called A Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy. The former separate portfolios Energy and Climate Action have been merged under Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete.
In a next step, the European Parliament (EP) has to give its consent to the entire College of Commissioners. Cañete is expected to face a tough hearing by MEPs at the end of the month. You can follow the online streaming of the EP hearings on EurActive website. Once the European Parliament has given its consent, the European Council formally appoints the European Commission.
Renovation of Buildings - Essential to EU Energy Security and 2030 Debate - Leading industries call for 40% binding energy efficiency target
The 2030 Climate & Energy Package and the EU Energy Security Strategy both feature top of the political agendas ahead of the Ministerial Council on 23rd October. The 28 EU Heads of State have been asked to undertake stress-tests in order to assess their capacity to react in case of disruptions to energy supplies from foreign imports this winter.
In a letter addressed to the 28 Heads of State, three leading industry associations explain: “A wide-scale deep renovation of the building stock across the EU could drastically reduce EU energy imports with no higher costs than other supply-oriented solutions. Indeed, given that the building sector is the highest user of gas, reducing our dependence on gas should start with cutting energy waste in buildings”.
Ensuring that a binding energy efficiency target of at least 40% is secured within the 2030 Energy & Climate Package is a pre-requisite to triggering political leadership that will permit an ambitious renovation programme for the EU’s leaky buildings to be rolled out. With buildings identified as the first area where savings will be realised, setting a 40% binding energy efficiency target represents a golden opportunity to significantly increase energy security in the EU. Download the full letter on Source: EurActive
EU Project News
Read final results published in the renewed iSERV website.
All outcomes and final results of the iSERV project were published in the iSERVcmb website providing registered users with access to all reports and deliverables. The website is structured to reflect the final report for the project, which is available in full and with links to more detailed information at
Interested parties are invited also to keep track on further developments and projects by joining the iSERVcmb group at LinkedIn.
Download the iSERVcmb Final Newsletter.
MaTrID: Market Transformation Towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Through Widespread Use of Integrated Energy Design

Scope of the project: MaTrID aims at supporting the implementation of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings by 2020. In this context the building design phase is of particular importance. Integrated Design (ID) in general is a valuable approach to reduce the complexity of the design process and facilitates the interactions between the members of the design team. ID allows them to provide the best solution for the whole building. It is not limited to energy efficiency and goes beyond this issue. The greatest benefits are provided only if applied in the earliest stages of the project, when changes to the design are still easy to implement. The benefit of EU collaboration is to cross-pollinate best practices among leading European countries (including clients, private industry, etc.). Knowledge transfer among Europe and various actors is the main benefit of MaTrID. For detailed information please visit
International Events
FinnBuild - a showcase for the Finnish construction industry
The Finland’s largest building and building services trade fair, FinnBuild 2014, will be held at Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo & Convention Centre, on 1-3 October 2014. FinnBuild presents the best expertise, products, services and solutions for construction.
REHVA will organize with FINVAC a seminar on Thursday on 2 October on "HVAC equipment and systems in nearly zero energy buildings" - 13.00-16.30
The seminar is free to all visitors. The speakers are prominent European and Finnish experts.
More information at
Chillventa – the Exhibition for Energy Efficiency, Heat Pumps and Refrigeration

Trends & Innovations from the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector in Nuremberg from 14–16 October 2014
Whether heat exchangers, control & instrumentation or evaporators, the industry, wholesale trade, professional associations and research meet at Chillventa to discuss the most important questions on refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and heat pumps. Be there and meet the experts at this leading exhibition: Chillventa opens its doors in Nuremberg, Germany from 14–16 October 2014. More information at
RoomVent 2014
The 13th SCANVAC Conference RoomVent 2014 will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on October 19–22, 2014. The main theme of the next RoomVent is New ventilation strategies with base in active and passive technology in building and for comfort in airplane. Registration is now open. More information at
World Sustainable Energy Days

The World Sustainable Energy Days are one of the largest annual conferences in this field in Europe, offering a unique combination of events on sustainable energy. This conference 2015 will take place from 25-27 February 2015 in Wels/Austria. For more than 20 years, experts from all over the world have gathered in Upper Austria to attend the conference. The conference makes an important contribution to awareness raising about renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Other HVAC events
CCHVAC 2014 conference
29-31 October, 2014
Tianjin, China
e-nova 2014 congress
13-14 November 2014
Pinkafeld, Austria
More information
45th HVAC&R International Congress
3-5 December 2014
Belgrade, Serbia
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3-6 February 2015
Moscow, Russia
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AQUATHERM Novosibirsk

17-19 February 2015
Novosibirsk, Russia
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ACREX 2015
26-28 February 2015
Biec, Bangalore, India
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10-14 March 2015
Frankfurt, Germany
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Aqua-Therm St. Petersburg 2015

18-21 March 2015
St. Petersburg, EXPOFORUM, Russia
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37th Euroheat & Power Congress
27-28 April 2015
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REHVA Annual Meeting and Conference
5-8 May 2015
Riga, Latvia
20-23 October 2015
Dalian, China
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26-28 October 2015
Shanghai, China
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For more HVAC events please check the REHVA Events Calendar on and also
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