Newsletter Issue 6/2014
November 2014
REHVA Community News
REHVA Supporters’ Seminar, 6 October 2014
REHVA organised a Supporters’ Seminar on EU regulations and energy efficient buildings and products.
The seminar provided the participants with an overview about the recent policy issues, like the EU2030 Energy package, the revision of the Ecodesign and Energy labelling Directives and the EPBD recast in 2016. DG ENER Head of Unit, Paul Hodson, highlighted the actual policy updates and hot topics in his speech followed by an active discussion. He announced that the Commission will launch a voluntary European buildings energy performance certification scheme based on the CEN methodology which is supposed to be working as of 2016.
In the second part of the event, CEN Working Group leaders and REHVA CEN liaisons gave detailed presentations about the status of the upcoming EPBD related building standards.
Download the presentations of the seminar on the REHVA website.
REHVA Journal issues
The November issue of the REHVA Journal (6/2014) will focus on Innovative HVAC solutions for high performance buildings - The editor of this issue is Stefano P. Corgnati (stefano.corgnati(at)
The January issue of the REHVA Journal (1/2015) will focus on the Effect on EPBD on European Buildings. The Editor-in-Chief of this issue is Jaap Hogeling (jh(at)
The March issue of the REHVA Journal (2/2015) will focus on Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. The Editor-in-Chief of this issue is Jaap Hogeling (jh(at)
To read all the 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 REHVA Journals, please visit the REHVA Journal section in the REHVA website. Register online to get your free copy of the REHVA Journal!
EU Policy News
Energy policy agenda of the new European Commission
The new European Commission started its work on 1st of November 2014. A new Energy Union is a new priority portfolio lead by Vice-president Maroš Šefčovič who is steering all DG's related to energy policy issues” including the former Energy and Climate portfolios that have been merged under Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete.
The new Commission presented the leaders of the Energy Union and its energy priorities during the high-level conference EU Energy Policy and Competitiveness in Brussels on 17 November. Šefčovič presented the 5 pillars of the EU Energy policy: energy security; creation of the Energy Union; moderation of energy demand; decreasing CO2 emissions; and energy research. Energy efficiency of buildings is especially targeted within the 3rd pillar called “moderation of energy demand”. The Energy Vice-president stressed the possibility to increase the 27% energy efficiency target and stated his optimism that a higher target will be set by the review in 2020. Dominique Ristori, Energy Director General announced during the Renovate Europe Day 2014 on 5 November that housing will be a priority sector within the upcoming EU2030 legislative framework.
EU 2030 Climate and Energy Package - disappointing Council decision on energy efficiency
The European Council adopted the EU 2030 Climate and Energy Package on the Summit on 23 October defining as 2030 headline targets for Europe 27% renewable energy share in the energy mix, 40% decrease of GHG emission compared to 1990 basis - both binding for the member states, and an indicative non-binding 27% energy efficiency target.
REHVA called in its position paper earlier this year for a binding and ambitious energy efficiency target in order to ensure continuous development and investment in energy efficiency, especially in the building sector, which represents almost half of the energy end-use in all Member States.
According to the Council Conclusions “The Commission will propose priority sectors in which significant energy-efficiency gains can be reaped”. REHVA called in its policy statement for support policies that prioritize the building sector and boost cost-effective, high quality renovations across the EU member states in order to achieve an energy efficient and healthy building stock for Europe.
F-gas regulation - new Commission Implementing Decision
The EC approved the Implementing Decision pursuant to the (new) F-gas regulation 517/2014 relating to the reference values for the 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2017 for each producer or importer who has reported placing on the market HFCs. The Implementing Decision is available in all EU languages the Official Gazette of the EU.
More information about the quota allocation and the F-gas Regulation is available in the EC website.
REHVA is involved in the review of EPB related standards as CEN liaison organisation and regularly informs supporters and member associations about the updates and draft standards in a protected REHVA website section.
Public inquiry for a few standards has already started, but for the most interesting standards for REHVA the 5-month inquiry is expected to be launched by CEN in November 2014 of most of the draft standards, including those two selected for commenting pilots:
- Ventilation and air conditioning for non-residential buildings prEN13779
- AC and ventilation inspections prEN16798-17
REHVA will invite member associations to send in comments on these standards after the inquiry process has started.
New Horizon2020 call for proposals open
The European Commission opened new calls for proposals in October 2014 in the field of on energy-efficient building design and heat recovery technologies. A total indicative budget of €79 million is available for the following 6 call topics. The deadline for submission of proposals is 4 February 2015. More information here
EU Project News
Tool-Kit on Integrated Energy Design

Within the framework of the EU-project MaTrID a practical and user friendly tool-kit on integrated energy design has been elaborated. This tool-kit can be directly used by the design team (e.g. property developers, architects, engineers, etc.). The core document of the tool-kit is the Integrated Design Process Guide (Fig.1). Accompanying documents are the Client Brief, the Tenant Brief, Scope of Services and Case Studies referring to ID as a means of achieving NZEB.
The ID Tool-kit has been translated and adapted into various national regulations and circumstances. In each project country the set of documents has been developed in national language including general standards for ID, templates for architecture briefings and planning contracts, and national standards for architecture competitions for NZEB.
The European Tool-Kit and its national adaptations can be found at
BPIE report on Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) across the EU
This report explores the national approaches to buildings efficiency certification providing a comprehensive overview of EPC schemes and databases for residential and non-residential buildings across Europe. It identifies good practices to make EPC data reliable and accessible. Download the report.
International Events
World Sustainable Energy Days

The World Sustainable Energy Days are one of the largest annual conferences in this field in Europe, offering a unique combination of events on sustainable energy. This conference 2015 will take place from 25-27 February 2015 in Wels/Austria. For more than 20 years, experts from all over the world have gathered in Upper Austria to attend the conference. The conference makes an important contribution to awareness raising about renewable energy and energy efficiency.
ISH China & CIHE

ISH China & CIHE is the leading fair for the HVAC and plumbing industries in Asia. The three-day event, which will take place from 13-15 May 2015 in Beijing/China, expects to welcome over 1,100 exhibitors and is estimated to cover more than 85,000 sqm of exhibition space across six halls with the latest innovations and practical solutions in HVAC and plumbing technology. A series of fringe programmes – including seminars, product showcases and networking events – will be held for exhibitors and visitors. The programmes allowed guests to exchange in-depth market intelligence with attendees and build strategic partnership with their peers. More information at
Other HVAC events
45th HVAC&R International Congress
3-5 December 2014
Belgrade, Serbia
More information

3-6 February 2015
Moscow, Russia
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AQUATHERM Novosibirsk

17-20 February 2015
Novosibirsk, Russia
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ACREX 2015
26-28 February 2015
Biec, Bangalore, India
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10-14 March 2015
Frankfurt, Germany
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Aqua-Therm St. Petersburg 2015

18-21 March 2015
St. Petersburg, EXPOFORUM, Russia
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37th Euroheat & Power Congress
27-28 April 2015
Tallinn, Estonia
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REHVA Annual Meeting and Conference
"Advanced HVAC & Natural Gas Technology"
6-9 May 2015
Riga, Latvia
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20-23 October 2015
Dalian, China
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26-28 October 2015
Shanghai, China
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For more HVAC events please check the REHVA Events Calendar on and also
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