July Sales
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JULY SALES on all REHVA Guidebooks!


Haven't used the REHVA promotional code on all guidebooks yet? 

During the whole month of July, REHVA has organized July Sales, and offers you 15% off on all guidebooks and reports available on the REHVA website.

"Energy Efficient Renovation of Existing Buildings for HVAC professionals", "NZEB Design Strategies for Residential Buildings in Mediterranean Regions - Part 2", and many more! 

The promotional code is even available for our brand new Guidebook 33: "Resilient Cooling Design Guidelines"!

Use the code JULYSALES15 at checkout and benefit from 15% off on all purchases.

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062
Email: info@rehva.eu