The December issue of the REHVA Journal is out now!
This issue is focusing on "Measuring and evaluating IEQ"!
For this edition, we had the pleasure of welcoming Francesca Romana d'Ambrosio as guest-editor!
"A 3rd Mandate from EU to CEN for upgrading the set of EPB standards and developing a supporting open source EPB software tool is essential for a successful implementation of the revised EPBD in the EU Member States, specifically regarding the important milestones that shall be achieved by 2030. The CEN/ISO Roadmap that has been cooperatively developed and published by the relevant CEN and ISO technical committees (CEN/TC 371 et al, and ISO/TC 163 & 205) describes the details of the work to be done. Annex I of the EPBD lists eight key EPB standards. However, for an all-encompassing and coherent EPB assessment, the total set of EPB standards has to be made up-to-date."
Read the full editorial here.