QUANTUM showed the outcomes of its services and tools holding two workshops at ISH fair in Frankfurt, on 14th March, and at Futurebuild event in London, on 5th March.
Futurebuild: The workshop was held on the 5th of March at the Knowledge Forum titled: The QUANTUM-Project: New Standards, Tools and Services for Quality Management of Building Performance presented by Stefan Plesser, CEO, Synavision, Michele Liziero, Energy Manager, Energy Team and Benjamin De Bruyn, Consultant, Factor4. The workshop was split into five sections beginning with an introduction of the research project which had then entered a deeper dive to the 3 three innovative ICT driven tools. The workshop ended with questions and discussions. To read learn more on Future Build 2019 and their future events, please visit their website https://www.futurebuild.co.uk/
ISH: The workshop, held on 14th March, presented the QUANTUM approach and the developed ICT based tools: The digital performance test bench for technical monitoring, the ENG9 energy monitoring tool, and the Comfortmeter survey tool assessing perceived comfort of occupants, which are all being demonstrated in many buildings across Europe. The QUANTUM technical monitoring concept is now endorsed by AMEV, the German federal government agency for public buildings, proving its potential to be up taken by regulatory frameworks. The four presentations of the tool owner partners were followed by a lively discussion with the participants that lasted during the networking lunch.