The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) are just around the corner. Join the entire energy transition sector from 28 February – 3 March 2023 in Wels/Austria! The WSED are a leading international conference on the energy transition and climate neutrality.

2023: Energy transition = Energy security!

With the energy crisis, the energy world has taken a profound shift. In 2023, the WSED present how we can support a secure, affordable and sustainable energy future, and provide new momentum for the energy transition.

Don't miss out, register today!

Something for everyone!

The WSED offer a comprehensive package: presentations, a tradeshow, networking and more. Seize the opportunity to get up-to-date information from international experts, meet and discuss with peers, and learn first-hand about latest product innovations at a tradeshow.

Check out the full conference programme!

The event is organised by the OÖ Energiesparverband, the Energy Agency of Upper Austria. Upper Austria is a leader region in the energy transition: Greenhouse gas emissions from buildings were reduced by 39% in 10 years. 60% of all space heating and 33% of the primary energy already come from renewables.

As cooperation partner of the conference, REHVA encourages you to take part!

Photo: OOe Energiesparverband

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