The October issue of our REHVA Journal is out now! This October issue of the REHVA Journal is a special issue focusing on "Smart-Ready Buildings: EPBD Policy Updates, National Implementation & Research Breakthroughs"!
For this edition, we had the pleasure of welcoming Pablo Carnero Melero as guest-editor!
"The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI), firstly introduced in the 2018 amendment of Directive 2010/31/EU, is confirmed as the common Union scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings and developed in Article 15 of the EPBD recast. Albeit defined as an optional scheme, it is expected that by 30 June 2027, the European Commission shall adopt an implementing act detailing the technical arrangements for the effective implementation of the application of the SRI to non-residential buildings with an effective rated output for heating systems, air-conditioning systems, systems for combined space heating and ventilation, or systems for combined air-conditioning and ventilation of over 290 kW. Consequently, the ground is ripe for service engineers, building owners, and Member States to get acquainted with this new scheme which is soon to be implemented. There are several EU-funded research projects and initiatives that are developing supporting materials particularly to that end."
Read the full editorial here.
