REHVA Journal
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REHVA Journal - Series of Interviews 2024!


In 2024, the REHVA Journal had the pleasure of presenting a series of interviews, created and produced by our vice-president, Lada Hensen Centnerová. This series aimed to share insightful conversations with experts whose work is directly or indirectly related to climate change and the growing issue of building overheating in the European temperate climate.

  • The first interview with Prof. Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt explored how indoor temperatures can influence our health and what individuals can do to manage this.
  • The second interview with Prof. Runa Hellwig discussed how building designs with integrated adaptive features can help prevent potential overheating.
  • The third interview with Prof. Christina Hopfe focused on various methods for designing resilient buildings, including the Passivhaus standard.
  • The fourth interview with Prof. Richard de Dear delved into the adaptive model of thermal comfort and alliesthesia.

If you haven’t already read these fascinating interviews, we hope you enjoy them!

Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt's interview
Runa T. Hellwig's interview
Christina Johanna Hopfe's interview
Richard de Dear's interview
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