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KosonenAalto | Panu
MustakallioHalton |
performance of four typical air distribution methods in winter and summer
conditions with different occupancy ratio was studied in a mock-up classroom (Kosonen and Mustakallio 2010) and
was visualized with CFD- simulations (Mustakallio and
Kosonen 2011).
measured mock-up room (6.0 m ´ 4.4 m ´ 3.3 m (H)) was half of a actual classroom (floor area 6 ´ 10 m²). The simulated window size
was 4.4 m ´ 1.4 m (H). The air
distribution was identified at three different load conditions: summer
conditions with maximum occupancy (cooling load of 54 W/m²) and partly
occupied (cooling load of 40 W/m²) and winter conditions with partly
occupied room (heating demand of 38 W/m²). The room
was ventilated at 6 l/s per person in all cases. In the winter condition,
an underneath radiator was introduced to prevent draft risk of cold window
surface. The heat
balance and breakdown of the loads in the measurement cases are presented in Table 1.
Utilizing dynamic energy simulations, room air temperatures in winter and summer are set to be corresponding average conditions in Scandinavian classrooms. In laboratory conditions, heat losses were supplemented by heat losses through structures, if necessary, to attain the room air temperature required.
Table 1.Heat balance and the breakdown of
the loads in the mock-up classroom section.
loads and heat losses of the simulated classroom (half size of the actual
classroom) | Summer Full
Occupancy | Summer Half
Occupancy | Winter Half
Occupancy |
Room air temperature | 26°C | 24°C | 21°C |
- 58 W/person (total heat load) | 15 (870 W) | 7 (406 W) | 7 (406 W) |
Lighting 15 W/m² | 360 W | 360 W | 360 W |
load or heat loss from window (surface temperature of window) | 197 W (30°C) | 296 W (30°C) | −448 W (11°C) |
Power of
a radiator underneath window | 0 W | 0 W | 250 W |
heat gains | 1427 W | 1062 W | 1016 W |
airflow rate 90 l/s (supply
temperature) | −972 W (17°C) | −756 W (17°C) | −324 W (18°C) |
Heat loss through structures | −455 W | −306 W | −244 W |
heat losses | −1427 W | −1062W | −1016 W |
performance of four typical air distribution methods was studied: a
corridor-wall grille, a ceiling diffuser in the middle of the ceiling, a
perforated duct diffuser in the middle of the ceiling,
and two displacement ventilation units in the floor corners (Fig. 1). The supply units were selected based on the throw pattern analysis.
The supply airflow rate was 90 l/s (6 l/s per
person) in all cases (half classroom). The supply air temperatures were
17°C and 18°C in summer and winter cases respectively. The room air
temperatures were 26°C and 24°C in summer case with full and half occupancy
respectively. In winter conditions, the room air temperature was set to be 21°C.
Figure 1. Air distribution schemes: A) Wall grille, B) Displacement ventilation, C) Multi-nozzle ceiling diffuser and D) Perforated duct diffuser.
Air velocity and temperatures were measured at 24 pole locations and at 7 heights (0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.3, 1.8, 2.4 and 3.1 m above the floor) at each location, i.e. altogether in 168 points. The classroom and the measurement pole locations are shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. a) The classroom geometry with heat load simulated; b) Measurement pole locations: = pole location, = black ball temperature at 1.3m from floor, room temperature at 1.3 m from floor, 1.=heated cylinder representing occupant heat load, 2.=exhaust valve and 3.=simulation window.
Smoke and
CFD- visualizations of air distribution in full occupancy summer cases are
shown in Figure 3. Thermal plumes did not have a
significant effect of the performance of a wall- grille: the momentum flux of a
wall-grille was strong enough to attain the other side of room. Also, air
spread effectively over the whole occupied zone with the low velocity units,
whereas supply air from the ceiling diffuser tends to be carried along thermal
plumes from heat sources (in the winter case without window heat load and with
half occupancy flow pattern was more uniformly). A perforated duct diffuser had
a tendency to create unstable flow conditions and varied loads can change
unexpectedly thrown pattern.
Figure 3.Visualization of air distribution smoke /half classroom) and CFD (in cooling case with full occupancy. Supply air units: a) a wall-grille, b) displacement ventilation with low velocity units, c) a ceiling diffuser and d) a perforated duct diffuser.
velocities (over 0.3 m/s) over the occupied zone were measured in all
conditions with a wall-grill. The highest velocities (above 0.2 m/s) were
measured near the window (0.25 m distance). In all conditions velocity
higher than 0.2 m/s was also measured near the floor, 0.1 m height at
distance as far as 3.6 m from the window. A displacement ventilation concept
was not sensitive to load variation and air velocities were very low (<0.15 m/s)
except measurement points close to the corner-installed supply unit. With a
ceiling diffuser, air velocities were reasonable low in all cases (0.19–0.23 m/s).
With a perforated duct diffuser relatively high velocity (0.15 – 0.2 m/s) was
measured near the floor (0.1 m height). In the two summer conditions the
velocity was above 0.2 m/s (up to 0.31 m/s with full occupancy) close
to the floor for the locations 3.6 and 4.8 m from the window, i.e. the
increment of heat gain increased air velocities. This depicts more unstable
performance with a perforated duct diffuser when higher heat gains are
introduced in the classroom.
distribution with corridor wall-grille gave high velocities in all load
conditions. In winter conditions, air velocities even raised close to the
window. In principle, the thrown length could be optimized for winter
conditions and thus get lower velocities close to the window workplaces e.g. by
selected larger wall-grille. This increases draught risk in summer conditions.
Supply air jet from ceiling diffuser tended
to be carried along thermal plumes from the heat loads during summer times. In
winter when there was no the effect of window plume, air distribution was more
uniform. The function of ceiling diffuser concept is quite appropriate in varied load
With a
perforated duct diffuser, the performance is quite unstable and sensitive when
higher heat gains exit. In those conditions, supply air could unexpectedly drop
down causing increased draught risk in certain work places.
In mixing ventilation concepts, load conditions have a significant effect on air distribution and when the air distribution strategy is designed the system performance should be analysed in different conditions. In design phase without using CFD- simulation or laboratory mock-ups, it is not possible to analyse the interaction of convection flows and jets.
The quality of the indoor climate and thermal conditions in schools has been found to be poor in a number of surveys. To analyse thermal comfort conditions in a classroom, measurements were conducted in laboratory conditions. The performance of four typical air distribution methods was studied in a mock-up classroom with different load conditions. The measured air distribution methods were: a corridor-wall grille, a ceiling diffuser, a perforated-duct diffuser and a displacement ventilation concept. From the tested concepts, displacement ventilation is the least sensitive for different load conditions of all studied concepts. Using a ceiling diffuser, air velocities were reasonable low in all cases. Together with displacement ventilation, ceiling diffuser is the other recommended solution for classrooms. A wall grille gave high velocities in both summer and winter conditions. With a perforated duct diffuser, air distribution is quite unstable causing increased draft risk in some load conditions. The performance of a wall-grille and a perforated duct diffuser is sensitive for strength and location of heat gains.
Kosonen, R and Mustakallio
P. Ventilation in classroom: a case-study of the performance of different air
distribution methods. Clima 2010 10th
REHVA World Congress. Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings. 9-12 May Antalya
Turkey. Proceedings of Clima 2010
Mustakallio P and Kosonen Risto.Indoor air quality
in classroom with different air distribution systems. Indoor Air 2011 June
5-10. Austin Texas USA.
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