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François Rémi CarriéINIVE, | Theoni KarlessiNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, | Mat SantamourisNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, |
During the
international workshop held in Athens, Greece on 9–10 March 2016, 90 participants
from 10 countries exchanged their experience and views on proper
consideration of summer comfort technologies in energy assessment procedures,
with a specific focus on solar control, ventilative cooling and cool roof
products and systems.
workshop included general presentations on the overall context of energy
conservation and thermal comfort in buildings. More specifically, the
challenges of thermal comfort for our societies in terms of mortality and
well-being, economy, and environment were discussed [1]. Furthermore, climate
change combined with critical constraints set by the urban environment both
amplify those problems and compromise the extended use of renewable energy
sources [2].
Although it
is now recognised that solar shading, inertia, and ventilative cooling should
be prioritised before considering active systems even in North European
regions, this was mostly ignored in European regulations and standards until
the mid-2000s as reflected by the poor consideration of summer comfort issues
in EN832:2000 [3]. Fortunately, several recent initiatives aim to improve this
European Solar Shading Organisation (ES-SO) should have, by the end of the year
2016, an on-line access database including all key characteristics – reviewed
and determined in accordance with existing standards – that are necessary for
dynamic energy modelling. This would a be major step to help designers and
consultant engineers easily access input data for energy performance assessment
methods, and thereby remove a major barrier to consider the benefits of these
technologies at the design stage [4], [5], [6]. ES-SO acknowledged the
existence of pre-conditioned or mandatory recognition/certification of persons
and companies in France or the UK, as well as technical approvals and labels
that support quality and transparency for customers [7].
It was
shown that ventilative cooling can be very effective at reducing the overheating
risk, both for residential and commercial buildings. Nevertheless, one
specificity of ventilative cooling is that this concept cannot not based on
certified components, but rather on strategies whose performance very much
depend on the strategies implemented, including effective use of building
inertia and consistency with solar shading controls [8], [9].
The use of
the new EPBD set of standards to fairly account for summer comfort solutions in
building energy performance assessment methods was discussed [10]. This new set
of standards which was developed to support the implementation of the 2010
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive covers for instance thermal comfort
issues and the determination of the airflow rates – which are critical for ventilative
cooling assessment. Each standard clearly shows the inputs and outputs of the
calculation modules and attempts to ease quality and compliance checks with
specific clauses. To cover specifically ventilative cooling, many elements are
already there, but some important missing parts – regarding for instance the
controls, the long-term comfort criteria, or the effectiveness of heat removal
from surfaces – were pointed out [11]. The participants also discussed
uncertainties and limitations regarding climate data, time steps, and zoning
which may severely influence the performance assessment of summer comfort
technologies [6], [8], [11].
Cool roof
products reduce solar heat gain on outer building surfaces and thereby have a
number of advantages including: reduced buildings cooling energy needs with
estimates in the region of 10–40% on air-conditioned buildings; reduced urban
heat island effect; improved thermal comfort in non-A/C buildings; improved
lifespan of building materials. The European Cool Roof Council (ECRC) was
founded in 2011 to promote these products, in particular, with a transparent
rating programme, inclusion of cool materials in EU standards and energy
assessment methods [12], [13]. Early in 2016, ECRC included in its
freely-accessible on-line database the first products rated under its rating
programme [14]. Nevertheless, several challenges remain regarding the
characterisation of these products in real conditions, i.e., accounting for
ageing and soiling effects [15].
workshop was also the occasion to give an overview of energy saving policies
implemented in Greece, in particular the results of the "Energy Efficiency
at Household programme", including pre- and post-retrofit energy
inspections with over 40,000 completed applications [16]. Also, a field study
on 26 Greek buildings showed frequent discrepancies between EPC input data
and as-built characteristics [17].
the QUALICHeCK draft source books on compliance of EPC input data and quality
of the works were discussed. These draft books – available on the QUALICHeCK
website – unfold 3 fundamental aspects to develop compliance frameworks: clear
rules to achieve and show compliance; clear rules to handle non-compliance;
elements to consider for effective implementation.
The workshop
was organised by INIVE and its member NKUA (the National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens) on behalf of the QUALICHeCK consortium, with the support
of Sympraxis Team, and with session contributions from ES-SO (the European
Solar Shading Organization), venticool (the international platform for
ventilative cooling) and ECRC (the European Cool Roofs Council).
of the workshop are available on: http://qualicheck-
QUALICHeCK responds to the challenges related to compliance of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) declarations and the quality of the building works. Find out more at
The QUALICHeCK project is co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union. The sole responsibility for the content of this article lies with the author(s). It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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