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This initiative is originated by the
publication of an European Directive 2010/31/EU recasting the Directive
2002/91/EC on energy performance of buildings ([recast] EPBD) which promotes the improvement of the
energy performance of buildings within the European Union, taking into account
all types of energy uses (heating, lighting, cooling, air conditioning,
ventilation) and outdoor climatic and local conditions, as well as indoor
climate requirements and cost effectiveness. This initiative is described in
Mandate 480, given by the European authorities to CEN.
It is expected that the use of these standards will increase the accessibility, transparency and objectivity of the energy performance assessment by facilitating the comparison of best practices and supporting the internal market for construction products. This development is based on an earlier developed set of EPB standards that has been published in 2007-2008. This earlier (2007-2008) set of 42 EPB standards consists of 30 EN (European) and 11 ISO (EN-ISO) standards.
The current initiative (2012-2015) is to review and revisit this set of (2007-2008) EPB-standards and reformulate and add standards so that they become on the one hand unambiguous and compatible, and on the other hand a clear and explicit overview of the choices, boundary conditions and input data that need to be defined at national or regional level.
The EPB-project
work will lead to a second generation set of the EPB standards, more usable as
direct reference in national legislation and leading to a high transparency in
national choices.
development of basic principlesand detailed
technical rulesproviding the necessary clear guidance for the standards writers and an overarching standard providing a continuous but modular structure,
A Technical Specification with basic principles will provide guidance on the required quality, accuracy, usability and consistency of each standard and the rationalisation of different options given in the standards, providing a balance between the accuracy and level of detail, on one hand, and the simplicity and availability of input data, on the other. The basic principles and rules will also comprise rules and formats for the separation of harmonised procedures and choices and input at national or regional level.
Consequently it addresses topics such as:
· a common format for each EPB standard, including a systematic, hierarchic and procedural description of options, input/output variables and relations with other standards;
· a clear separation of the procedures, options and data to be provided at national or regional level;
· a common structure of easily accessible and comparable national annexes to each standard, containing the national or regional options, boundary conditions and input data;
· an informative technical report, accompanying each standard, according to a common structure, comprising at least the results of internal validation tests, examples and background information;
· a clear and comprehensive field of application (scope);
· ensuring that all procedures are software proof and unambiguous;
· ensuring that the standards will be concise and complete, that can be easily referenced in legislation;
· rationalisation of different options given in the standards, each option aiming at specific applications with respect to availability of input data and impact on the energy performance.
The basic principles are intended as basis (the "why") for a set of detailed technical rules and an over-arching standard (the "how").
Status: At the last CENTC371 meeting, the 4th of July 2013, it was decided to publish this TS for TC-Approval (TCA). This means that CEN will send this version to all National Standard Bodies, the CEN member organisations, for comments and acceptance. As soon the TS have been send out for TCA there is a 3 months period for all NSB’s to react-vote.
A Technical Specification with detailed technical rules, based on the basic principles, will provide guidance for the drafting of the over-arching standard (phase 1) and the drafting of each of the set of standards under phase 2.
The improved set of EPB standards shall become a systematic, clear and comprehensive package. In order to ensure consistency among EPB standards and user-friendliness, a continuous but modular overall structure is needed, covering all standards related to the energy performance of buildings, providing the overall framework.
This over-arching standard on the
integrated energy performance of buildings re-uses the main elements of EN
15603:2008 (Overall energy use and definition of energy rating) and core
elements of other key EPD standards, including common definitions, terms and
symbols, offering a systematic, clear and comprehensive, continuous but modular
structure. Consequently,
its scope is significantly wider than the scope of EN 15603:2008.
Status: The prEN15603 is available and currently at Public Enquiry. Public Enquiry (PE) will close by October 2013. When considering this prEN for comments the draft prCENTR 15615 should be kept aside, this draft is currently available as working draft within CENTC371.
Given the
number of topics to be dealt with, the over-arching standard prEN15603 results
in a rather voluminous and complex document, including many equations linking
together energy related parameters, on-site energy production, the use of
renewable vs. fossil energy, energy export, links to inspection, product
properties, etc.
The complexity of the building energy performance calculation requires a good documentation and justification of the procedures. Informative text is required but is separated from actual procedures, to avoid confusion and unpractical heavy documents. All the informative documentation and justification, including worked examples will be laid down in an accompanying separate Technical Report.
Status: At the last CENTC371 meeting, the 4th of July 2013, it was decided to publish this TR for TC-Approval (TCA). This means that CEN will send this version to all National Standard Bodies, the CEN member organisations, for comments and acceptance. As soon the TR have been send out for TCA there is a 3 months period for all NSB’s to react-vote.
Phase 2
will focus on the improvement and expansion of the current set of CEN-EPB standards
on the basis of the findings (see also results CENSE project and reports of
CAP-EDMC-LC reports) and set of requirements developed in Phase 1 (the
Over-Arching standards, the connected TR, the two Technical Specifications and
several supporting tools, like templates, checklists and the software tool)
The actual
revision of the standards will be carried out under the responsibility of the relevant
CEN/TC’s on the basis of the clear set of common principles and rules and
priorities (the OAS+TR and two TS’s).
The issues
to be covered in the work include the following:
Checking the
software-proof-ness of the equations given in the separate standards or parts
of standards by producing an excel program and calculation example connected to
each WI’s. General checking of the appropriateness of the current standards in
particular the application of these standards for existing buildings. More
focus on models and input data which are to be suited to existing buildings.
More focus on passive cooling techniques and the assessment of the energy
performance of cooling systems. Possible integration of the inspection
standards on systems for heating, cooling and ventilation. Where needed,
expansion of the procedures to NZE-buildings by way of renewable sources of
energy, and procedures for energy producing buildings, with consideration given
to alternative systems; Integrated approach for calculating minimum performance
requirements for technical building systems and building envelope.
About 100 Work Items: Resulting in about 50 standards or parts thereof and
about 50 TR’s connected to these standards
Some of these WI’s may still be merged and some of the TR’s may cover more
parts of a standard or more standards. This may shorten the list but not the
Starting this summer, all WI’s have to be registered by the 5 TC’s before
October 2013
The first TC-Working Group drafts have to be ready by December 2013, it is
expected to reach and possibly finish the enquiry stage of most or, if possible,
all EPB-standards before the end of 2014. We should keep in mind that many of
the standards will not fundamentally change.
Central coordination within CEN team of Task Leaders/experts under CEN TC 371CEN TC
371 organises this central coordination team in cooperation with the other
relevant CEN TC’s. ·
CEN TC 89, Thermal performance of buildings and building components:
CT-leader: Dick van Dijk ·
CEN TC 228, Heating systems in buildings: CT-leader: Johann Zirngibl ·
CEN TC 156, Ventilation for buildings: CT-leader: Gerhard Zweifel ·
CEN TC 247, Controls for mechanical building services: CT-leader: Dan
Napar ·
CEN TC 169, Light and lighting: CT-Leader Sohéil Moghtader & Jan de
Boer European
Commission has given a mandate to CEN to revise several EPBD related standard
administrated by TC 371 and five other CEN technical committees. |
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