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AtzeBoerstra promotion was at the Eindhoven University of
Technology as first promotor Jan Hensen
chaired by of the Eindhoven
University of Technology and as second promotor Prof.
Bjarne Olesen of the Danish Technical University, Lyngby/Copenhagen and co-promotor Marcel Loomans.
How does
having or not having control over one’s indoor climate affect office workers?
It was this question that triggered Atze’s PhD study.
The central aim of the study was to investigate the mechanisms behind
availability and (objective and perceived) quality of indoor climate control
devices, and to explore the impact of control on comfort, health and
performance of office building users. A first result of the study, was a
conceptual model that describes the core variables at hand and their
interrelationships. The central assumption that underlies the model is that
human responses to sensory stimuli are modified when those exposed have control
over these stimuli. This implies that it is not just the objectively measured
indoor climate that affects whether people feel warm or cold, or experience
olfactory discomfort. Instead the idea is that personal control (availability
of adaptive opportunities) also has an impact and in fact acts as a moderator.
workers often have no or limited possibilities at their workplace to control
their indoor climate. They nowadays frequently are exposed to environments
deprived of operable windows, adjustable thermostats and
other opportunities to fine-tune their local air quality and personal thermal
environment according to momentary needs. When office buildings are (re)designed
personal control over indoor climate and adjustability of facades and HVAC
systems are apparently not always high on the agenda. This probably is due to a
lack of knowledge in terms of personal control related mechanisms amongst
relevant decision makers (principals, architects, consultants etc.) and amongst building scientists in
How does
having or not having control over one’s indoor climate affect the average office worker? What is the impact of perceived and exercised control on
general satisfaction
with the work environment and, for example, thermal and olfactory comfort? To what extent can the incidence of building related (sick
building) symptoms be influenced by introduction of optimal control options?
And how is individual task performance affected by adjustable and responsive heating, cooling and
ventilation systems? It was these kind of questions that triggered the PhD
study presented in this thesis.
The primary
aim of the study was to investigate the mechanisms behind availability and (objective and perceived) quality of indoor climate control devices and
the impact of control
on comfort, health and task performance of office building users.
The core
research objectives were as follows:
1. to examine relationships between
availability and quality of HVAC/building related control devices in office
buildings and perceived control over the indoor climate;
2. to examine relationships between perceived
control over the indoor climate and comfort and satisfaction of office workers;
3. to examine relationships between perceived
control over the indoor climate and health of building
occupants, specifically the incidence of building related symptoms (SBS);
4. to examine relationships between perceived
control over the indoor climate and (self-assessed and
objectively measured) performance and (self-assessed) sick leave of office workers.
additional objective was to compile an inventory of available, exercised and
perceived indoor climate control in modern Dutch office buildings.
A first
result of this study was a conceptual model that describes the core variables at hand and their interrelationships (see Figure 1).
The core assumption is that it is not just the objectively measurable indoor climate that affects
whether people feel warm or cold, or are dissatisfied with
indoor air quality. Instead the central idea is that personal control
(availability of adaptive opportunities) also has an impact and in fact acts as an interactive
variable. Human responses to sensory stimuli like elevated temperatures or suboptimal indoor air are assumed to be modified when
those exposed have
control over these stimuli.
Figure 1.
Variables & relations studied
This model
was constructed after an analysis of existing related models as found in the literature. Specifically models that acknowledge man-environment
interactions, occupant
behaviour and adaptation were evaluated.
conceptual model was further explored through:
– a (re)analysis of a historical database;
– a field study in 9 Dutch office buildings,
– a laboratory-intervention study (conducted
in cooperation with the Danish Technical University).
The database research step involved analysing
data from 1612 occupants working in 21 Dutch office buildings (BBA database).
This database was selected as it contained information on building characteristics, questionnaire data
related to available and perceived control, comfort
perceptions and SBS symptom incidence. The data were explored using a multilevel
modelling strategy with occupants nested within buildings. In four separate models it was tested whether personal control scores were related to comfort, symptom incidence, productivity and sick leave
scores (the 4 outcome
parameters studied).
database analyses outcomes were used to design a field study. The field study was performed during the winter of 2011/2012 in 9
modern Dutch office buildings
and involved inspection of relevant building and building service system characteristics (including presence of operable windows, adjustable
thermostats and other controls) and indoor climate measurements. In these 9
buildings, a total of 236 office workers agreed to participate in a
questionnaire and a subgroup of 161 were also interviewed. The questionnaire contained
general questions related to respondents' thermal and
olfactory comfort and also asked about building related symptoms, comfort perceptions,
self-assessed productivity and self-reported sick leave. Furthermore, people
were asked about perceived control and control use (exercised control). The
indoor climate
measurements included thermostat effectiveness measurements with control adjustments
done by the research team, that helped to objectify how 'fast' the available
temperature controls are during the heating season. First, standard tests were
used to explore relations between available, exercised and
perceived control. Next the field study data were analysed using a multilevel
strategy to find out what building, installation and organizational factors
determine perceived control
over one indoor climate.
Multilevel analysis techniques too were used
to investigate correlations
between combined perceived control over temperature and ventilation on the one
hand and comfort-, satisfaction-, building symptom and productivity-indices on
the other hand. Next a laboratory study was conducted to further investigate
how having or not having control, specifically over the
thermal environment, affects human responses to the indoor environment. This
study was conducted during summer in a field laboratory that was kept at a constant
temperature of 28°C. During the first session of
2.5 hours (A) subjects were able to fine-tune their local thermal
environment at any
given time with a personal desk fan with continuous, adjustable control. During the second session (B) subjects still had the desk fans, but
this time the fans were
controlled from an adjacent room by researchers who adjusted the individual air
velocity profiles so they were identical to those recorded
during the first session. Thus, each subject was exposed to two customized conditions with identical
exposure, only different from a psychological point of view. During the two
sessions identical questionnaires and performance tests
were used to evaluate subjects’ comfort, SBS symptom incidence and task performance.
The database analysis revealed a significant
association between personal control (an aggregated 5-point control index) and
4 outcome parameters (in all cases with a p-value of 0.001 or lower). Higher control
scores were systematically associated with higher comfort scores, lower symptom
incidence, higher productivity scores and lower sick leave effects. The results
imply that when building occupants are provided with effective operable windows
and effective adjustable thermostats, they generally will
be more comfortable and more productive (at least according to their own
estimations). They will also experience less sick building symptoms and will
report in sick less
often due to an inadequate indoor climate.
The field study results implied that just
about 1 out of 3 Dutch office workers are satisfied with the amount of indoor climate control at their
workplace. Mean score for perceived control over temperature in winter, over
temperature in summer and over ventilation (in general)
was around 3 on a 7-point scale (with 1 = no control at all, 7 = full control).
The scores were considerably lower than those for perceived control over sun penetration and perceived
control over light. The number of colleagues one shares the
workplace with has a considerable effect: more officemates means a lower level of perceived control over one’s
indoor climate. Also men and those with workstations
further away from the facade have a significantly lower level of perceived
majority of the Dutch respondents turned out to have access to both an
adjustable thermostat and an operable window. And more than 80% of the
respondents indicated not to take energy use effects into
account when using their controls. As far as exercised control is concerned,
according to the office workers themselves, the use of adjustable thermostats is less frequent than
that of operable windows, especially in winter. Also, winter
adaptation by clothing adjustment turned out to be more popular than thermostat
use. Frequency of use
of controls showed to be linked to perceived control over indoor climate. For example, those respondents that used their adjustable
thermostats less frequently than monthly, or never, score significantly lower
on perceived control over
temperature in winter than those that used them monthly, or more often.
The results
of the thermostat effectiveness measurements in the 9 buildings allowed for a
quantitative estimation of available control over temperature during the
heating season. The different buildings and their heating
systems showed large variation in thermostat effectiveness. Measured average of speed’ differed between
buildings from +0.2 to +2.5 K/h for upward interventions. Upward
adjustments of thermostats in winter were found to be more
effective than downward adjustments in winter. A strong correlation was found between
measured thermostat speed in heating mode and average thermostat speed as
perceived by the occupants during winter.
The field
study analysis revealed that access to operable windows and not experiencing organisational bans on use of controls (use of thermostats, operable
windows etc.) are two
factors that have a positive and significant effect on perceived control over
the indoor climate. Further analysis of the field study
data showed positive and significant associations between perceived control and
comfort perception, overall satisfaction with the indoor climate and
self-assessed productivity (in all 3 cases with p-values of 0.001 or lower). No correlation was
found between perceived control and the incidence of
building related symptoms. The field study results imply that perceived control
over indoor climate in office buildings can be elevated by providing access to operable windows and by not banning
building occupants from control use. The results furthermore imply that
buildings that are designed for a high amount of perceived control over the
indoor climate will have more comfortable and more satisfied
occupants. They furthermore will have occupants that estimate themselves to be more productive.
Then, as
far as the laboratory study is concerned: perceived control over temperature,
air velocity, ventilation etc. was significantly higher during session A (the
with-control situation), but there were no differences in
perceived comfort and SBS symptom intensity. About two-thirds of the subjects indicated a preference for
the situation as during the first session when they
themselves controlled the air movement. Surprisingly, self-assessed performance
during session B (the no-control situation) was significantly higher than
during session A. On the applied 7-point scale that went from 1 = −30% to
7 = +30%, self-estimated performance increased by 4.2%-points from session A to
B. Also objectively measured performance was significantly higher during
session B, specifically for number addition and multiplication tests
(performance differences were respectively 10.4%-point and 8.2%-point). A
further analysis indicated that this task performance effect probably can be
explained with the cognitive load theory. This theory assumes that the working memory of
the human brain has limited capacity and can be overloaded when involved in too
many (complex) tasks.
combined outcomes of the database analysis, the field study and the laboratory
study support the hypothesis that control (having or not having control) over
one indoor climate alters one’s reactions to that indoor climate. The mechanism
involved was not totally explained but, overall, the combined studies imply
that investing in effective and usable indoor climate controls will enhance
perceived control over the indoor climate. Enhanced perceived control also
improves office workers’ satisfaction with their thermal environment and the
indoor air quality at their workplace. It also increases overall comfort
perceptions. The results related to the productivity effects (both
self-assessed and objectively measured productivity effects) were rather
inconclusive. Also the results in relation to the
incidence of building related (SBS) symptoms were somewhat inconclusive.
As modern
office buildings become more and more open plan offices of the future, where
workers may not have a fixed designated work station, in many instances, will
ask for more than just standard controls like operable windows and adjustable
thermostats. Recent developments in the form of personal ventilation systems
and local climate control systems integrated in office furniture seem to open
up promising alternative routes towards better adjustable indoor climates in
This PhD study
revealed that personal control over indoor climate is a complex phenomenon that
involves many aspects. The conceptual model was partly validated but some
mechanism-related questions remain unanswered. To better understand how office workers use controls and to understand how building
occupants’ perceptions about their indoor climate are influenced by the
presence and use of these controls, it is necessary to look beyond the
traditional borders of building science and indoor climate research. Further research
is needed in close cooperation with environmental psychologists and other
social scientists to explore in more detail how control over one’s indoor
climate affects comfort, health and task performance.
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