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habil. Technical University of Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringTaskleader prEN | Martin KnorrDr.-Ing.,Technical University of Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringExpert
prEN | Johann
of DivisionCentre
Scientifique et Technique du BâtimentConvenor
CEN TC 228/ |
This new
standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 228 “Heating systems and water based cooling systems
in buildings”.
It is part of a package developed to support the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive (EPBD) implementation.
The actual
European standard EN 15316-2.1 [1] from 2007 includes two methods for the
calculation of the additional energy use for heat emission systems [2, 3]. The
new standard draft prEN 15316-2 (as expected to go out for Formal Vote by
the end of 2015) provides only one calculation method. In addition, the new
prEN15316-2 determines also the additional energy use of water based cooling
emission systems. A fundamental point is that the calculation procedure should
also be based on tested and certified product values.
influences of various phenomena are taken into account in prEN 15316-2 for
the calculation of the additional energy use due to often called emission
losses. Although these are sometimes not real losses but additional energy use,
it is a convention to speak of emission losses. Some come from the physics:
emission in the building structure (e.g. floor heating);
(e.g. meaning air temperature can be lowered due to radiation effects);
stratification (higher air temperatures in the near of the ceiling for
convective dominated systems);
Some others
also based on physics and are additionally influenced by the behavior of the
user related to the quality of:
building automation and control;
hydraulic balance;
building management systems (BMS).
It is
observed that if the quality of control is low, the user will compensate by
increasing the set point temperature in order to obtain the desired comfort.
This is modeled by acting on the set point temperature.
prEN 15316-2
proposes to represent all the phenomena by the temperature difference in order
to get a unique performance indicator for the classification of the products.
temperature variation based on all influencing factors can be calculated with
Equation (1). For some cases (e.g. for θroom aut) also negative values of the
temperature variations are possible.
Δθint;inc = Δθstr + Δθctr + Δθemb + Δθrad + Δθim + Δθhydr + Δθroom aut (1)
Δθstr = spatial variation of temperature due to
stratification (K);
Δθctr = temperature variation based on control
variation (K);
Δθemb = temperature variation based on an additional heat loss of embedded emitters (K);
Δθrad= temperature variation based on radiation by type of the emission system (K);
Δθim = temperature variation based on
intermittent operation and based on the type of the emission system (K);
Δθhydr = temperature variation based on not
balanced hydraulic systems (K);
Δθroom aut = temperature variation based
on stand alone or networked operation room automatization of the system (K)
calculation of the thermal input for the cooling/heating emission system can be
performed on a monthly or on an hourly basis.
on the calculation interval two possibilities are given to calculate the
emission sub-system:
emission loss approach for a monthly method. The energy needs are calculated
with the initial set point temperature according to EN/ISO 13790. The
energy needs are then increased by the emission losses (see Equation (2));
holistic approach for an hourly method. The energy needs are calculated with
the initial set point temperature plus the temperature increase due to the
characteristics of the emission sub-system (the emission losses are taken into
account directly in the energy need calculation).
In the
monthly method the emission losses are calculated as follows (Equation 2).
Equation 2 does not apply if there is no thermal output of the emission system
(e.g. in the heating case, if the external temperature is equal or higher than
the internal temperature).
Δθint;inc = temperature variation based on all influencing factors (K);
θint;inc = initial internal temperature (operative temperature) (°C);
θe;comb = fictive external temperature
during the calculation period (°C);
Qem;ls = additional energy use (heat / cooling
losses) of emission (kWh);
Qem;out = thermal output of the heat emission system
For heating systems θe;comb is the average external temperature
during the calculation period.
For cooling
systems the fictive external temperature is corrected in the following way:
θe;comb= θe;avg + Δθe;sol (3)
The temperature difference Δθe;solrepresents additional heat gains
(e.g. solar heat gains). Default values of Δθe;solare tabulated in prEN15316-2.
In the
hourly calculation method the user behavior related to the set point
temperature can be represented as such. In this case, the additional losses are
determined by the simplified hourly energy needs calculation in EN ISO 13790
with the corresponding modified set point temperature.
values for the temperature variations are given in the annexes of the
prEN15316-2. For the controller Table 1 shows the relevant values.
Table 1. Default
values for temperature variation on control.
Product group | Dqctr ;1 |
Unregulated, with central supply temperature
regulation | 2.5 |
Master room space or one-pipe heating | 2 |
Room temperature control (electromechanical / electronic) | 1.8 |
P-controller (before 1988) | 1.4 |
P-controller | 1.2 |
PI-controller | 1.2 |
PI-controller (with optimisation
function, e.g. presence management, adaptive controller) | 0.9 |
Note: P controller (proportional controller)-
typically thermostatic controlled valves (TRV) PI- controller (proportional integral
controller)– typically electronic controller P-controllers are usually directly placed
on the emitter (e.g. radiator), PI-controller and “room temperature
controlled” in accordance to table 1 can also be installed on a surrounding
wall of the room. |
These values could be used if only the product group is known (e.g. during the first design of a HVAC – system). If the products are known and certified then the certified values should be used.
For controllers the temperature variation Δθctr is the CA-value (Control accuracy)
from EN15500 [5].
For thermostatic
valvesΔθctr -values are from EN215 [6] with is under revision now.
The link to the product standard EN215 is in the normative part of the
standard. In the informative Annex of the prEN 15316-2 a calculation
equation for the CA-values is given as follows:
Δθctr = CA-value = 0.45×(θW + θH) (4)
θW = water temperature influence of the controller
θH = hysteresis
equation can be used during the revision period of the EN 215 and when no
other calculation formula is available. It should be noted that the CA-value
according EN 15500 and the CA-value calculated on products values based on
EN 215 [6] are not completely comparable because of different test
procedures. It would be useful to develop a generally applicable test procedure
for controllers and thermostatic valves. An additional point is that the
Equation (4) is a well-used formula in France but without any scientific
background. Therefore, many investigations were carried out in the early past
to the topic of CA-value s for TRV systems. In [7] results are presented which
are shows that many parameters have an influence on the thermal behavior of
TRV-Systems. Especially the
temperature influence,
of the radiator,
the flow field around the TRV.
Not all the
parameters were investigated very well in the past. But the investigations in
[7] can by a starting point of a new discussion. Figure 1 and 2 show some results.
Figure 1. Variation of the room temperature based on the
water temperature influence [7] (supply temperature depend on the external
Figure 2. Variation of the room temperature based on the
water temperature influence [7] (constant supply temperature).
The printed
out curves shows the that the CA-value equation in the present EN 15316-2
represent only in the case of a supply temperature based on the external
temperature the behavior of TRV approximately. In the special case of constant
supply temperature, the equation fails. Therefore additional investigations are
The same
comment applies to the heat and cooling emission system itself. The product
standards EN 1264 [8] for embedded heating and cooling systems and the EN 442
[9] for radiator systems do not provide information about energy relevant
values to be directly used in the calculation method of prEN 15316-2
(temperature variation Δθrad and Δθim).
prEN 15316-2 has a strong link to the building automation standards (TC247). Work is still needed to harmonize the default product groups in Table 1 with the classification of the controllers in relation to EN 15232 [10] (e.g. EN 15232 BACS functions, identifiers). It is important for the European industry that there is a common and continuous chain of product testing and standardization, certification, building regulation.
prEN 15316-2
is now under public enquiry until march 2015. prEN 15316-2 is a further
step for the harmonization of the energy calculation of buildings. Compared to
the existing EN 15316-2.1 there is now only one calculation method in the
standard. The method is based on temperature differences. Also cooling emission
systems are taken into account in the new standard.
The new
prEN 15316-2 has a strong link with product testing. Certified product
values can be used directly in the standard. Conservative default values are
provided in the annex of the standard.
It should
be noticed, that not all the necessary values are already based on product
testing. Thus the product standards should be revised in the near future.
[1] EN 15316-2.1:
Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies
– Part 2-1: Space heating emission systems; 2007.
[2] DIN V
18599-T5: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden, Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin, 2011.
[3] RT2012: Réglementation thermique,
[4] prEN 15316-2: Energy performance of buildings - Space emission systems (heating and
cooling), 2014.
[5] EN 15500: Control for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
applications - Electronic individual zone control equipment.
[6] EN 215: Thermostatic radiator valves -
Requirements and test methods, 2006.
[7] Seifert, J.; Knorr, M.; Schinke, L.;
Bitter, F.: Bewertung thermostatischer Regelventile im Rahmen der europäischen
Systemnormung, Moderne Gebäudetechnik, 5/2015.
[8] EN 1264: Water based surface embedded
heating and cooling systems – Part 2: Floor heating: Prove methods for the
determination of the thermal output using calculation and test methods, 2013.
[9] EN 442: Radiators and convectors -
Part 2: Test methods and rating, 2013.
[10] EN 15232: Energy performance of buildings - Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building Management, 2012.
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