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Are you registered for REHVA seminar at Mostra 2022?
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MCE is the most prestigious business showcase for companies in the industry of HVAC+R, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Digitalization and ICT based technologies are changing a vast range of building disciplines, including HVAC. These technologies are underpinning smart building systems, which have taken building energy and non-energy-related performance to the next level through advanced digital intelligence.

International experts will present different aspects linked to the digitalization of our industry from the technical aspects of smart buildings, through user-centred smart building technologies till digital engineering for quality and performance monitoring, digitalization of HVAC products and effects of European legislation on smart buildings and digitalization.

REHVA Seminar, chaired by REHVA President Cătălin Lungu and Prof. Livio Mazzarella, REHVA Vice-President

ROOM: Sala Libra, first floor

Please keep in mind that you need to register to both links to attend the REHVA Seminar

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062