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LAUNCH Investor Forum

We would like to bring to your attention an interesting event taking place in Brussels on November 27th and organized by the LAUNCH H2020 consortium.

The LAUNCH Investor Forum is a free high-level conference that will bring together experts in energy, finance, and policy, to discuss why Sustainable Energy Assets under performance-based contracts have not yet been securitized and what are the real market requirements to project aggregation and achieving scale.

The event will include:

  • Presentation of the LAUNCH H2020 project which aims to securitize Sustainable Energy Assets;
  • Plenary session including representatives from DG Energy, EASME (European Commission), AFME Association for Financial Markets in Europe, and more;
  • “Lightning raise” session – project developers will have the opportunity to pitch for growth capital or project finance in front of a panel of investors, who will provide live feedback.

The agenda will allow ample opportunity for interactive exchange between project developers, project financiers and providers of growth capital, with a focus on discussion and problem solving. The day will end with a networking drink for participants. 

Speakers include:

  • Carlos Sanchez-Rivero, DG Energy, European Commission
  • Björn Zapfel, EASME, European Commission
  • Anna Bak, AFME Association for Financial Markets in Europe
  • Jessica Stromback, Joule Assets Europe
  • Csaba de Csiky, EnerSave Capital
  • John O’Rourke, New Energy Group

Download the agenda here

Link to registration:



40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062