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Dear REHVA Supporters,

We are delighted to invite you to the next edition of the REHVA Brussels Summit held on 14-15 November 2022. The REHVA Brussels Summit is an excellent professional networking occasion among REHVA Members, REHVA Supporters and Brussels based stakeholders working in the fields of buildings, energy efficiency and indoor environment quality. The event will consist of two days : 

  • Monday, 14 November will be dedicated to REHVA Committees Meetings in the REHVA Office Headquarters in Brussels followed by the traditional REHVA Dinner providing a platform for an informal networking at the Thon Hotel Stephanie Bristol (Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels).
  • Tuesday, 15 November will feature the Policy Conference: "Zero Emission Buildings & REPowerEU. How to decarbonise heating and cooling?". The conference will cover two interlinked topics with speakers from the European Parliament and the Commission, EU think thanks and associations along REHVA experts. The event will be held in Thon Hotel Stephanie Bristol.

You can find more information and registration HERE.

Feel free to contact us for any further information at

We look forward to meeting you in Brussels!

Kind regards,

On behalf of Catalin Lungu

REHVA President

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062