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Join our session at EUSEW 2022 online!

Decarbonising the building stock is a key challenge on the way to climate-neutrality. As stipulated in the proposed Energy Performance of Buildings Directive recast, the EU’s building stock should be zero-emission by 2050. In this transition, heating and cooling plays a key role, since the vast majority of operational emissions from buildings stem from the need for space and water heating and cooling. 

The session will demonstrate the various elements needed to successfully implement the Zero Emission Building concept across the various climate zones of Europe, bringing together the perspectives of the EU institutions with the HVAC designers, manufacturers and installers and building professionals representing the whole value chain of efficient and renewable HVAC technologies from design to operation and maintenance.



  • Ciaran Cuffe, Member of European Parliament (Greens/EFA, Ireland)
  • Stefan Moser, Head of Unit, European Commission Directorate General for Energy, Unit B2, Buildings and Products
  • Andrea Vallejo Galarza, EPEE President, Vice-President and General Manager Johnson Controls
  • Coen Van De Sande, AREA President, Director NVKL
  • Johann Zirngibl, Vice-President REHVA

Wednesday 28 September, from 14:30 till 16:00

Join us in Brussels or online during EUSEW!

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062