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Join us at ISH 2023!

As valued REHVA Supporters we are thrilled to officially invite you to yet another REHVA Expert Talk.

With this format, this time we will welcome you at ISH Frankfurt.

The REHVA Expert Talk will be followed by the EVIA forum hosted by our supporter European Ventilation Industry Association. And in the afternoon, we'll have a great chance to catch up during a joint REHVA-EVIA cocktail to which you're of course invited!

Looking forward to seeing you in Frankfurt! 

REHVA Expert Talk at ISH REHVA Expert Talk at ISH

We spend up to 90 % of our time indoors, and indoor climate quality has a massive impact on our health, productivity, and wellbeing. Case studies show that indoor air may contain 5-times more pollutants than ambient air in countries with higher environmental standards. The COVID-19 pandemic showed the importance of adequate ventilation and IAQ in limiting the spread of infections respiratory diseases and we must draw the lessons for future HVAC design and building operation to ensure adequate indoor air quality in all buildings.

This seminar will discuss changing European and global standards with health based IAQ requirements in the post-covid era, and focus on the often-overlooked residential building sector, presented by high-level international experts from the REHVA network. 

reHVAClub cocktail: you're invited! reHVAClub cocktail: you're invited!
14 March, 17:00-18:30 - Hotspot Indoor Air, A19
14 March, 17:00-18:30 - Hotspot Indoor Air, A19

We are happy to announce that after a long period of online events, we are back and hosting a reHVAClub cocktail during this upcoming ISH edition.

DOUBLE TROUBLE: This year we partnering with our great Supporter EVIA, and we are excited to host you with a small refreshment (spoiler alert, we'll pop some bottles).

Join us with EVIA on 14 March 2023 starting from 16:45 in the Hotspot Indoor Air A19

Let us know if you'll be joining us through the following form.

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Let us know and we'll send you the tickets!


40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062