Sustainable Energy Day
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Sustainable Energy Day 2024


Sustainable Energy Day

@Comet Louise

10 June 2024, 14h00-20h00, Brussels & livestreamed 

Launching a recurrent series of events under the overarching theme “Building Life Quality!”

According to the WHO, people spend around 90% of their time indoors, both in residential and non-residential buildings, with 26 million children living in unhealthy homes. In that vein, renovation is at the heart of the European legislative agenda for better energy efficiency and to promote a healthy, comfortable and productive environment for all European citizens. The yearly renovation rates of the building stock across EU Member States vary from 0.4 to 1.2%. If Europe is to fulfil its 2050 climate and energy goals, this rate must at least double to 3% yearly. With 97% of EU buildings needing renovation, this represents a golden opportunity to boost energy efficiency whilst ensuring good indoor environmental quality.

14h00–15h30 Session 1 (90 minutes)
15h30–16h30 Networking Coffee & Sweets (60 minutes)
16h30–18h00 Session 2 (90 minutes)
18h00–20h00 Networking Drinks & Walking Dinner (120 minutes)

While the full programme and agenda will be unveiled soon, the keynote speakers are already disclosed as sneak peek:

  • Stefan MOSER, Head of Unit B3, Buildings and Products, DG Energy, European Commission
  • Valérie LEPRINCE, Project Director Indoor Environmental Quality, CEREMA
  • Pawel WARGOCKI, Professor, Department Environmental & Resource Engineering, Indoor Environment, DTU


40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062