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Webinar by VAISALA: Maintaining HVAC CO2 Measurements the Easy Way

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is used in HVAC to control the amount of fresh air in buildings. This is especially useful in buildings with varying occupation levels. Typical examples would be schools, auditoriums and convention centers, but modern office buildings may also have highly variable occupation levels.

Recent research shows that employee performance decreases significantly already at COlevels previously considered good, approximately 1000 ppm. As employee wages amount to about 90% of the total office costs it pays off to measure and control CO2 levels properly. Even with an automation system in use, no amount of intelligence there will help you if the sensor measuring the actual conditions has drifted.
In this on-demand webinar Vaisala's expert Lars Stormbom will give tips on how to choose the right CO2 sensor for your case and what to look for in a sensor to make maintenance easy. Access this free-of-charge webinar HERE.

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