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Your invitation to the Brussels Summit 2022

We are delighted to invite you to the next edition of the REHVA Brussels Summit held on 14-15 November 2022.

The REHVA Brussels Summit is an excellent professional networking occasion among REHVA Members, REHVA Supporters and Brussels based stakeholders working in the fields of buildings, energy efficiency and indoor environment quality.

As usual, the first day of the summit, 14 November is dedicated to REHVA strategic activities and standing committee meetings - Venue: MAI conference centre, Rue Washington 40, 1050 Brussels.

We will finish the first day with the traditional REHVA Dinner providing a platform for an informal networking at the Thon Hotel Stephanie Bristol (Avenue Louise 91, 1050 Brussels). 

The Policy conference will take place the next day, 15 November, at the Thon Hotel Stephanie Bristol.

The conference will cover two interlinked topics with speakers from the European Parliament and the Commission, EU think thanks and associations along REHVA experts. The morning session on Healthy Zero Emission Buildings with the EPBD will tackle:

  • EP and EC positions on healthy zero emission buildings in the EPBD review
  • the definition of “zero emission buildings”
  • national policy examples and measures to tackle building decarbonisation

The afternoon session will focus on the REpowerEU & the phase-out if fossil fuels in heating and cooling. After setting the scene by presentations about:

  • REpowerEU policy context for the budling HVAC sector
  • Ecodesign requirements on decarbonisation
  • the new REHVA Task Force on Building decarbonisation, representatives of REHVA supporters and EU level industry associations will join the panellist in a moderated, interactive discussion on the practical feasibility, timeline and challenges of banning fossil fuels in heating and cooling.

More details about the programme will be available soon.

Contact us for any further information about the Brussels Summit 2022 at

We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels!

Please share this invitation with your network. Find some promotional material here to share within your organization, or on social media. 

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062