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The full curriculum of the REHVA Covid 19 Course is now online. You can obtain your certificate after completing the 4 modules and the related exams. Good Luck! 

  • MODULE 1 THE SCIENCE BEHIND: The first module of the course aims at familiarising the participants with the scientific concepts of SARS-COV-2 transmission, risk mitigation and the key role of air quality, air distribution solutions and adequate ventilation in infection control.
  • MODULE 2 HOW TO RESUME AND CONTINUE INDOOR ACTIVITIES: This module goes deeper on the role of HVAC systems’ operation and maintenance, aiming to reduce the risk of airborne transmission, providing also specific guidelines and hands-on exercise on  estimating the infection risk for different spaces.
  • MODULE 3 HOW TO USE HVAC SYSTEMS TO PREVENT AIRBORNE VIRAL TRANSMISSION: Module 3 provides a detailed review of the different components and technologies of the HVAC systems that are crucial on reducing infection risk, such as filtration, heat recovery systems and respective inspection methods, air-cleaning technologies and UV installations.
  • MODULE 4 TAILORED GUIDELINES PER BUILDING/SPACE TYPE: This module is focusing on the specific characteristics of the different types of buildings and spaces, providing information to better understand their particular dynamics, suggesting also tailor-made strategies for reducing risk of transmission.


Join our first live Q&A session - on Monday 1 February 2021 from 16:00 to 17:00 CET - with the REHVA Technology & Research Committee Chair Jarek Kurnitski and the REHVA Vice-President Atze Boerstra, who will answer your questions. SAVE THE DATE!



And if you have not enrolled in the course yet, click here to join. 

40 Rue Washington 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32-2-5141171 Fax: +32-2-5129062