Become a Member Association

Become a Member Association

REHVA membership is open to all legally formed national associations which represents professionals engaged in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in Europe. Application as a member association must be affected in writing by ordinary mail, fax or electronic mail to the association. By becoming a member of REHVA, the Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, you join a network of 100.000 engineers from 26 European countries.

REHVA is an independent professional organization whose main activity is to develop and disseminate technology and information for building services. To become a member, please send your letter to the attention of REHVA President, Mr Catalin Lungu by e-mail at

Find here the REHVA members' application form.

Become a REHVA Supporter

Become a REHVA Supporter

In 2007, REHVA decided to improve its cooperation with industry and other associations operating in the same area with similar goals. For this purpose, REHVA opened for the industry a possibility of becoming a supporter of REHVA. A REHVA supporter can be a company or an organisation that shares the same objectives as REHVA. The rights and services of the REHVA supporters are approved annually by the Supporters Committee. Please download the Services for Supporters brochure to evaluate how the cooperation with REHVA would benefit your company. 

If you wish to become a REHVA supporter have a look as well at the Supporters Packages, find here the REHVA Supporters application form and send it to the REHVA office by e-mail (info(at)

General terms and conditions

The supporter status is valid as from the date of signature on the application form for the actual calendar year upon receipt of the first annual supporter’s fee. The payment of the annual fee is due in January each year after the receipt of an invoice from REHVA via email. The supporter status is renewed automatically each year.  

The supporter status can be terminated by a duly signed notice letter sent to the info(at) address not later than 1st December of the year. The termination is valid from the following calendar year.

Become a REHVA Associate Organization

Become a REHVA Associate Organization

REHVA Associate Organization are organizations, associations or institutions that pursue the same objective as REHVA.

Please download the Services for Associate Organizations to evaluate how the cooperation with REHVA would benefit your organization/association or institution. 

If you wish to become a REHVA Associate Organization please find here the application form and send it to the REHVA office by e-mail (info(at)

General terms and conditions

The Associate Organisation status is valid as from the date of signature of the application form for the actual calendar year upon receipt of the first annual associated organisation fee. The payment of the annual fee is due in January each year after the receipt of an invoice from REHVA via email. The associated organisation status is renewed automatically each year.

The associated organisation status can be terminated by a duly signed notice letter sent to the info(at) email address. The termination is valid from the following calendar year.

Become an Individual member

REHVA is a Federation of 27 European HVAC associations. Please contact your National Association to subscribe.

Your membership in one of the following national organizations gives you a direct personnel access to the World of REHVA.


and gain access to eGuidebooks, REHVA Academy, tailored EU Policy trackings,

COVID19 exclusive content and more

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