REHVA Student Competition

REHVA Student Competition

Every year, REHVA organizes a competition in Europe to honor and recognize the most outstanding HVAC students. Prior to the competition, each REHVA Member Association is allowed to nominate one entry per country, following their own national level contests. The submitted works for the competition are based on Master's or Bachelor's theses and can encompass any topic within the realm of heating, ventilation, or air conditioning.

The Student competitions take place during the REHVA Annual Meetings, providing an ideal platform for the participants to showcase their skills and knowledge. Upon winning, the students are presented with a prestigious trophy engraved with their names. This trophy is then passed on to the subsequent year's winner, having traversed various locations in the past decade. It proudly bears the names of all the winners since 2005, symbolizing their remarkable achievements.

Eurovent Certita Certification is the proud sponsor of this competition. 

The rules of the REHVA Student Competition

2024 Edition - Istanbul, Türkiye

2023 Edition - Brussels, Belgium

2022 Edition - Rotterdam, the Netherlands

HVAC World Student Competition

HVAC World Student Competition

In 2016, REHVA established the REHVA World Student competition, now known as the HVAC World Student Competition, in collaboration with six MoU partners: with ASHRAE (USA), CAHVAC (China), FAIAR (South America), ISHRAE (India), SAREK (South Korea) and SHASE (Japan). This partnership aimed to expand the competition's reach and global participation.

Every three years, during the CLIMA World Congress, REHVA becomes the organizer of the competition, featuring one candidate from each partner continent or region. The selection of candidates is undertaken by the respective MoU partner associations. Additionaly, the winner of the REHVA Student Competition, the year of CLIMA, becomes the European representative in the HVAC World Student Competition. 

During the years between CLIMA congresses, the other MoU partners organize the HVAC World Student Competition worldwide, following the same rules and with the involvement of REHVA in the judging process. The inaugural competition took place in Denmark in 2016, hosted by REHVA, while the second edition was organized in China by CCHVAC. REHVA provides partial funding for the participation of the European candidate in these global competitions.

Eurovent Certita Certification is the proud sponsor of this competition. 

HVAC World Student Competition 2025

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