5-7 December 2012
Belgrade, Serbia

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This year’s , the 43rd international congress is dedicated to the current topics from the broad HVAC&R field, primarily focusing on buildings as main energy consumers and the use of renewable sources and the most up-to-date products used in HVAC&R systems. The Organizer’s special wish is to promote the exchange of information on new building materials that affect the building energy demands as well as to present the most up-to-date building structures and their architectural designs in compliance with thermal performance, which are the preconditions for energy efficient behaviour of buildings. The topics include refrigerants which substitute conventional ones that are being phased out due to their environmental impact. The district heating and cooling systems remain the inevitable topic of this gathering of HVAC&R professionals. The second congress day is dedicated to the student program, which has already become traditional and is intended for students and the youngest generation of those who select to engage in HVAC&R profession as well as in other specialties directly associated with HVAC&R systems in buildings. The topics of student papers include the general HVAC&R topics as well as the topics suggested in this announcement. Among the papers to be presented in the congress, the best ones will be selected to be published in the journal and to be presented at international student conferences and meetings.

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