CEN-CE scheme workshop at CLIMA 2022
- When: 24 May 2022
- Where: Ahoy Rotterdam
- Event type: Workshop
Join us at CLIMA 2022 (Ahoy Rotterdam, Room Dock 15) for the CEN-CE workshop (no. T2_02) taking place on 24 May, 11h00-12h30 CEST "CEN-CE scheme roll-out: harmonised training and certification of experts on EPB standards"
Learning and education is undergoing a shift in both terms of process and delivery channels.
Buildings, in addition to the ongoing digital transformation, are now acknowledged as key areas to contribute to EU's energy and climate targets. This will result in a fast-paced evolution of the sector across the value chain and the need for continuous learning and education for keeping up both the pace of innovations with regards to building technology (retraining) and the scale of renovation activities (upskilling the additional workforce).
Maintaining a constant exchange of information will be needed between universities, manufacturers, policy makers and practitioners (designers, installers, operators, auditors) to guarantee the feedback loop is closed and all lessons learned captured, while taking into consideration the sector's language gap.
The set of EPB standards anchored in the EPBD and bringing added value to day-to-day activities of practitioners are the lynchpin between policy, standardization and practice. The EPB standards and related tools were however not enough, training was missing to create the needed communication bridges and overall community as described above.
CEN-CE scheme is now here! Join this workshop to understand the CEN-CE scheme's concept, how it's currently being rolled out, by REHVA and EPB Center, across Europe in cooperation with REHVA Member Associations (e.g. AIIR), how to get involved and become a certified trainer in your country, how to become a certified expert with EU-wide recognition and why sponsor the CEN-CE scheme.
REHVA Member Associations / Training Providers, Trainers, Building technology manufacturers, Software developers, National Standards Bodies, Designers, Installers, Facility Managers
The workshop is meant to facilitate and support the CEN-CE scheme commercial roll-out within the REHVA network. In addition to capturing the essence and added value of the CEN-CE scheme and its value proposition for the supply and demand side alike, exchanging and collecting feedback from the audience, the workshop will pave the pathway towards EU-wide and beyond coverage for training and certification on the set of EPB standards.
5 min | Welcome and introduction Andrei Vladimir Lițiu Executive Director, EPB Center / Building Performance Adviser, REHVA |
15 min | EPB standards and CEN-CE scheme in a nutshell Johann Zirngibl EPB Expert, EPB Center / CEN-CE project coordinator, CSTB |
15 min | EPB standards, training and digital tools in practice Laurent Socal EPB Expert and CEN-CE Master Trainer, EPB Center |
15 min | CEN-CE commercial roll-out pilot in Romania Cătălin Lungu 1st Vice President, AIIR / President, REHVA |
40 min | Open discussion CEN-CE partnerships / CEN-CE Certified Experts Facilitated by Andrei Vladimir Lițiu & speakers |