Future-proof buildings for all – Building regulations and renovation strategies in the EU and Russia

  • When: 14 Sep 2021

The European Green Deal is the strategic cornerstone for the EU and its Member States. It lays down the main objectives for future developments: achieving a fair, people-centred, healthy, resource-efficient, decarbonised, resilient, and viable economy in 2050. The building sector plays a key role at the intersection of those targets. While the construction sector is an important pillar for the economic growth of the EU, it is also responsible for a considerable share of energy and material use causing around 40% of the EU’s energy consumption, 36% of the GHG emissions, and accounting for half of the raw material consumed.

With its Fit-for-55 package, the European Commission proposed changes in the current legislation to ensure the European Union will achieve its climate protection target of -55% GHG-emission reduction in 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The Renovation Wave is the European Union’s Strategy to implement the EU Green Deal in the building sector. Similarly, the Russian government recently acknowledged that measures in the building sector are key to decarbonise the economy. This workshop will provide an overview of the current legislation both in the EU and Russia as well as innovative instruments to incentivise deep renovation, implementing the objectives of the EU Green Deal and Russian climate protection targets. Experts from the EU and Russia will provide insights on social, technical, and economic barriers to scaling up energy efficiency in the building sector, as well as policies and good practices to overcome these barriers.

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