Healthy Buildings 2021
- When: 21 Jun - 23 Jun 2021
- Where: Oslo Metropolitan University
- Event type: Conference
Organized every 2 years, during years with no Indoor Air conference, Healthy Buildings conferences bridge the gap between science and profession, making it one of the most influential conferences on best-practice sustainable solutions for the indoor environment.
Healthy Buildings Europe 2021 is organized by OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan University), SINTEF and NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), under the auspices of ISIAQ (International Society for Indoor Air Quality).
The conference will play host to numerous topics, including four important D's:
- Digitization: Increasing digitization opens up new opportunities to optimize the design, operation, and IEQ of new or refurbished nZEB buildings. However, technically advanced sensor-based measurement and control (e.g. demand-controlled ventilation) poses numerous challenges.
- Decarbonization: of the European building stock by 2050. Deep energy renovation of buildings and neighbourhoods without compromising on indoor health. We need to improve LCA methods to evaluate embodied energy of building materials and fittings.
- Dwellings: Increased urbanization: Community-scale measures, such as outdoor air quality regulation, urban canyon issues, heat island effects & climate adaptation (heat and extreme rainfall) for urban buildings.
- Disease: We spend more time indoors, with exposure ourselves to multiple pollutant sources and microbes. The COVID19 pandemic has exposed our lack of knowledge on the transmittance of respiratory diseases in the buildings.
The organizers introduced a number of great innovations to the Healthy Buildings conference programme:
- In addition to the traditional scientific content, we are introducing new workshops that we call practice sessions aimed at practitioners, but that will appeal to all, professionals and scientists alike! These will provide continued professional development, with hands-on training, and you can ask the experts first-hand! These workshops will be developed in collaboration with experts, professional organizations and companies.
- Double-blind 2-stage peer-reviewed proceedings with en Open Access academic publisher, guaranteed publishing points by Nordic research-councils!
- Attracting students and young professionals/researchers. Those with little experience with academic publishing need not worry; you can submit short papers (extended abstracts) or posters!
- Live-streaming plenum sessions to low income regions, and in necessary a CoViD19 contingency-plan digitize the event but keep the dates.
- Rich social programme with civic reception in the City Hall (Nobel Peace Prize), walks, zero-emission fjord cruise dinner, and more.
CLICK HERE for more information on Healthy Building 2021.