IAQVEC 2019: Healthy nearly Zero Energy Buildings
- When: 05 Sep - 07 Sep 2019
- Where: Bari, Italy
- Event type: Conference
IAQVEC is a premier international conference series, held once every three years, and host in different countries every time. The conference covers a wide range of key research areas with the goal of simultaneously improving indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and energy efficiency-enhancing well-being and sustainability. For the X edition of IAQVEC in 2019, we are glad to invite you to South of Italy, where you will be immersed in a fantastic landscape, outstanding food, during the several events that will surround the X edition of IAQVEC.
A call for abstracts will be open until November 1st, 2018 (find it HERE).
IAQVEC in 2019 will be organized around the following streams:
- Indoor Environment Quality & Climate;
- Ventilation & Airtightness;
- IAQ & Health Aspects;
- Smart Technologies for Building Performance;
- HVAC Systems;
- Building System Integration and Optimization;
- Sensors, Controls and Information Management.