Engineering and technology in the function of the environmental protection (SRB46) By: SMEITS
This book is a result of one of the first major activities of the Society, and it was written within the project ?Education of the Population of the Republic of Serbia on Possibilities to Improve Environmental Protection by Applying New Technologies?, supported by the Fund for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. It is intended for professionals of different engineering profiles who follow and monitor the development in this field, as well as for those who wish and need to learn today?s possibilities of environmental protection as the most important existential problem.
Drying and dryers (SRB08) By: SMEITS
Drying is a non-stationary thermodynamical (physical-chemical) and complex technological process, which must ensure preservation of material quality indicators, but also their improvement in many cases. Drying is one of the most important stages in different production processes. Intensive application and development of drying processes also resulted in the development and existence of independent scientific disciplines, such as drying theory and drying technology. The study of moist air properties is necessary for understanding the essence of the drying process, because the most widely used are the drying plants with coupled processes of the transfer of heat and matter between air and material being dried.