NZEB Design Strategies for Residential Buildings in Mediterranean Regions - Part 2 (GB31) By: REHVA
The aim of the guideline is to support, in a practical way, a design process for realizing Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) in the context of Mediterranean-climate, focusing more on the mechanical systems than on the building envelope, which has previously been treated in Part 1 (REHVA Guidebook No. 28).
Indoor Environment and Energy Efficiency in Educational Buildings (GB13) By: REHVA
Indoor and Energy Efficiency in Educational Buildings Guidebook describes the optimal design and operation of schools with respect to low energy cost and performance of the students.
Energy Efficient Renovation of Existing Buildings for HVAC professionals (GB32)
This Guidebook presents the fundamentals for specific energy efficiency and other renovation measures in existing buildings for which HVAC systems play an important role. Emphasis is placed on market-ready and technically mature solutions that have been proven in practice to increase building renovation rates and facilitate the enregy renovation process of existing buildings.