Workshop no. 11, CLIMA 2019
Organiser: REHVA & eu.bac
Chairs: Atze Boerstra, REHVA; Peter Hug, eu.bac
Speakers: Pau Garcia Audi, European Commission-DG ENERGY; Bonnie Brooks - Siemens/eu.bac; Stefan Plesser, synavision; Cormac Ryan, CoPilot
This workshop will present the wide spectrum of tools supported by BACS to improve and optimize HVAC systems’ performance and make it transparent to building owners and operators. Speakers will present requirements of the revised EPBD, discuss the role of BACS in ongoing commissioning with outlook to the future, present BACS supported technical monitoring tools and introduce the COPILOT commissioning certification scheme developed with contribution of REHVA Member Associations and other partners.