Four ALDREN Webinars have been published on the Build Up platform, covering the ALDREN EVC, addressing the gap between calculated and actual Energy Performance, the ALDREN TAIL-Index and the ALDREN Renovation Passport for Non-Residential Buildings.
ALDREN – ALliance for Deep RENovation in Buildings
The ALDREN Project – ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings – focuses on increasing the rate and quality of building renovations through the development of performance assessments and certification schemes for deep renovation projects. ALDREN is targeted at office buildings and hotels. The project has developed EU-wide and comprehensive tools to facilitate the renovation process towards nearly zero-energy and emissions buildings and improving health & well-being, while measuring the risks related to the costs of building assets. ALDREN broadened the assessment on the added value of deep renovation and developed a common language among the different stakeholders.
In order to present the tools developed by ALDREN and how they improve the reliability, comparability, transparency and quality for professional stakeholders concerned by deep renovation, the project - in collaboration with Build Up portal - has created 4 videos in the form of training sessions:
- Webinar 1: by Jana Bendzalova from ENBEE and Jean-Baptiste de Fouchier from CSTB. Presents the European Voluntary Certificate (EVC).
The ALDREN EVC provides a harmonised instrument for benchmarking (/rating) buildings. Common indicators are defined and additional information about e.g. the measured energy, health & well-being, financial valuation is provided.
- Webinar 2: by Greg Waring and Robert Cohen from VERCO, Adressing the gap between calculated and actual Energy Performance. The aim of the process is to close the gap between calculated and measured energy performance.
In webinar 2.1., Robert Cohen introduces the ALDREN Performance Verification Protocol, a methodology which supports the achievement and verification of target energy performance outcomes by measurements.
In webinar 2.2., Greg Waring demonstrates how the Performance Verification Protocol and the associated tools can be applied to an ALDREN project.
- Webinar 3: by Pawel Wargocki from DTU. Explains the application of the ALDREN-TAIL index which can be used for rating the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of buildings that are undergoing deep energy renovation, both during the operation phase and for prediction during the design phase.
- Webinar 4: by Marta Maria Sesana from Politecnico di Milano and Simon Ligier from CSTB. Covering the subject of the ALDREN Building Renovation Passport for Non-Residential buildings.
This is a modular digital instrument including a common data structure and depository and a renovation roadmap towards nearly zero energy buildings avoiding potential lock-in effect due to sub-optimal renovations.
Visit the ALDREN website to find out more about the tools and how to use them!