Prague, Czech Republic, on June 16 – 19, 2013

In June 2013, Prague will host one of the most significant professional events of the year focused on heating, ventilation and air conditioning in buildings – the REHVA Congress CLIMA 2013. The Congress will be the 11th REHVA international Congress and, will integrate also in the programme the IAQVEC, the 8th Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings. The CLIMA 2013 congress will have a significant participation outside Europe, especially from Japan and USA.

The CLIMA 2013 puts a great emphasis on contributions that will address those skilled in this art. Therefore, the Congress Programme includes presentations of contributions, posters, workshops, as well as an additional expert lessons such as the REHVA Courses.

The International Scientific Committee consisting of more than 100 leading experts of all continents guarantee a high professional level of the programme. At this moment, the interest of the industry shows that the capacity of the 24 REHVA workshops, ie. expert lessons organised by our industrial partners within the framework of the Congress CLIMA 2013, as well as within the framework of the REHVA projects have been almost used up, which workshops were primarily aimed at solutions of up-to-date issues of the implementation of the EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings and associated problems in the technological development. A special theme connected with historical traditions of Prague deals with problems of historical buildings, which should be pointed out certainly.

Reputed keynote speakers invited from the expert community recognised worldwide will open each of four Congress days. The Congress will be held under a patronage of important industry partners, as well social organisations and in cooperation with partners that represent the top in this art. Amongst REHVA CLIMA2013 Congress partners can be mentioned, for example, ASHRAE - a professional organisation with 118 years history associating 50 000 professionals worldwide, SHASE – a Japanese organisation with more than 80 years tradition and more than 20 000 members, ISHRAE, professional partner from India, CCHVAC, professional partner from China, as well as IIR, AIVC, AHRI and a number of other professional organisations.

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