Under the leadership of Manuel Gameiro da Silva, REHVA Vice-President from Portugal, the REHVA Student competition took place on Monday May 23nd, 2016 in Aalborg, Denmark during CLIMA2016 Congress.
Fifteen candidates representing twelve countries were in competition this year, Denmark, Hungary and Romania being represented by a team of two students. After the deliberation, the jury declared winner Arash Rasooli from Delft University of Technology for his work on “Computational and Experimental Investigation of Wall’s Thermal Transmittance in Existing Buildings“.
The second was awarded to the Finnish student from the Aalto University, Tuomo Niemelä. The third prize was awarded to the Romanian team from the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Andrei Bejan and Traian Munteanu.
The next day, during the CLIMA congress, REHVA President, Stefano P. Corgnati offered a financial prize for each of the three winners, thanks to the sponsorship of Eurovent Certita Certification, and certificates.
The first winner received also the Trophy Cup for his university.
To see more pictures of the REHVA Student Competition, check here, for the REHVA Student Competition Ceremony pictures: