Under the leadership of past President Karel Kabele, the REHVA World Student competition took place on Tuesday May 24th, 2016 in Aalborg, Denmark during CLIMA 2016 Congress.
Seven candidates out of five countries amongst our international partners (ASHRAE, CCHVAC, ISHRAE, SHASE and SAREK) were in competition.
The winner of the REHVA Student Competition, Arash Rasooli, took also part in this competition representing Europe. After the deliberation, the jury declared winner Arash Rasooli from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) for his work on “Computational and Experimental Investigation of Wall’s Thermal Transmittance in Existing Buildings“. So, he was rewarded twice; in the REHVA Student Competition and in the REHVA World Student Competition for his excellent work. Congratulations to him!
The second was awarded to the Canadian student from the Ryerson University of Toronto, Matthew Tokarik.
The third prize was awarded ex-aequo to the Chinese Tian You from the Tsinghua University of Beijing and the Indian Robin Jain from Malaviya National Institute of Technology in Jaipur.
The winner presented his work during the plenary session on Wednesday May 25th, 2016. After, the past President, Karel Kabele offered a financial prize to each of the three winners, thanks to the sponsorship of Eurovent Certita Certification, and certificates from REHVA. The first winner received a second Trophy, this time for him to keep.
In order to have a look at the pictures, please click here.