REHVA Members Delegates


During the 57th REHVA General Assembly - where 25 out of 26 of our national associations where present or represented - prof. Karel Kabele took over the presidency from prof. Michael Schmidt who came at the end of his term in accordance with the articles of our Federation. Michael Schmidt thanked his colleague board members and REHVA staff for the good work they all did during his presidency. Karel Kabele in his turn thanked Michael Schmidt for his important contribution to REHVA and our domain. A warm applause from the audience underlined his words. Mr Kabele informed all the participants of the newest applicant for REHVA Member, the Moldavian Association of Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning engineers, AIIRM, it was approved by all the members. The meeting ended with the announcement of the location of the next Annual Assembly, the REHVA Annual Meeting 2014 will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany from 29-30 April 2014.


Change of the REHVA presidential hammer, from Michael Schmidt (l) to Karel Kabele


REHVA Elects new Board

On 15 June 2013, the REHVA General Assembly unanimously elected a new Board. Ioan Silviu Dobosi (AIIR, Romania) and Jarek Kurnitski (EKVU, Estonia) were re-elected and Manuel Gameiro da Silva (Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal) and Frank Hovorka (AICVF, France) were elected and Lars Nielsen (DANVAK, Denmark) was elected as reserve board member.


The new REHVA board after the elections, from left to right: Kurnitski; Magyar; Hovorka; Corgnati; Kabele; Aufderheijde; Dobosi; Gameiro da Silva

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