Different experts from ALDREN, CEN-CE and EPB center took actively part to CLIMA 2019 congress workshop “Supporting Dissemination and Roll-Out of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) Standards”...

  • Different experts from ALDREN, CEN-CE and EPB center took actively part to CLIMA 2019 congress workshop “Supporting Dissemination and Roll-Out of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) Standards”, on Monday 27 May, in the afternoon session. The workshop was organised in collaboration with REHVA, EPEE and EVIA, with the main goal to inform and ask feedback on the implementation of EPB policy at national level (you can find the agenda here)
  • ALDREN, CEN-CE and EPB center will participate to EUSEW, EU Sustainable Energy Week, in Brussels (18-20 June). The related session, scheduled on Wednesday 19 June, “New EPBD: the value of actual performance and digitalization” is supported by REHVA, eu.bac and smartEN, with the aim of discussing regulatory and policy aspects, such as the role   of   EPB   standards   and   the   Smart   Readiness   Indicator,   digitalization   in   buildings, performance monitoring and the role of smart buildings in the flexible energy system (find the full agenda here and the registration page here)


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