The abstracts for the 53rd AiCARR International Conference, titled “From NZEB to ZEB: the buildings of the next decades for a healthy and sustainable future”, are due by October 25th!

The Conference will take place on March 12th and 13th, 2024, during Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, at Fiera Milano Rho (Milan, Italy).

In this context, it is appropriate to explore, through a combination of comprehensive analyses and specialized studies, the opportunities arising from the integration of technologies, systems, and building designs in the transition from NZEB to ZEB, while also considering the enhancement of indoor environmental quality.

Find more information on topics here.

With the Call for Papers, AiCARR invites all interested parties to submit their contributions related to the HVAC sector.

These contributions should encompass innovative design approaches, new monitoring and control systems, new components and systems, along with insights into their impact on energy consumption, comfort (thermal-hygrometric, acoustic, visual, air quality), and the overall healthiness of indoor environments.

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