The European Council adopted an indicative 27% energy efficiency target for Europe decreasing even more the already unambitious 30% goal presented by Commissioner Günther Oettinger end of July this year.
REHVA has called for a binding ambitious energy efficiency target in order to ensure continuous development and investment in energy efficiency, especially in the building sector, which represents almost half of the energy end-use in all Member States.
“The building sector has always needed strong regulatory boost before any major progress has happened.” said Prof. Karel Kabele, the President of REHVA. ”The recent Council decision is a disappointment and a step backwards. It will slow down the deployment of existing efficient HVAC technologies in the building sector, which definitely has the potential of much higher energy savings.”
REHVA believes that a strong national governmental support of buildings energy efficiency has multiply benefits for the European economy and its citizens in terms of employment and competitiveness of the European HVAC industry.
European goals and a supportive policy framework have guided the R&D and innovation in the building sector for more than 10 years. Now it’s time to mainstream the developed cost-effective technologies and tools, which can ensure also the lead role of European industry in the global market.
The building sector is a key priority in Europe’s energy policy being the sector with the biggest share and cost effective saving potential in the energy end-use of Europe. REHVA calls for ambitious targets and policies that prioritise the building sector and boost cost-effective and high quality renovations across the EU member states in order to achieve an energy efficient and healthy building stock for Europe.