The "European Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Conference" is held in the context of the annual World Sustainable Energy Days!
Mark your calendars for the 26-27 February 2015 and come join more than 400 experts in Wels/Austria to discuss the latest trends in building technologies, policies and markets! Our first announcement is now available:
Check out the video of the 2014 conference at & the pictures at
The coming years will see a sharp increase in the market uptake of highly efficient buildings supplied by renewable energy throughout Europe: by 2020, all new buildings must be "nearly zero energy buildings" (new public buildings already by 2018). According to the European Buildings Directive, a "nearly zero energy building" (NZEB) is a building with a very high energy performance and whose very low amount of required energy is covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources.
The European Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Conference 2015 offers:
- the latest technology trends and financing solutions
- presentations of standards for NZEBs and how they can be met technically and economically
- the meeting place for the global sustainable buildings community
- discussions on optimal levels of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
- an outlook on the developments of European and global markets for sustainable buildings, including National Plans for NZEB
- inspirational case studies of new buildings and renovations and site visits
- exchange of experience among experts and new business opportunities
- Young Researchers’ Conference - a conference for young researchers on energy efficiency in buildings
- a major tradeshow, the "Energiesparmesse", dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings, with 1,600 exhibitors
Get involved: Call for Papers & Speakers - deadline 10 October 2014
We invite you to take an active part in the event through our call for papers and speakers. Share your work with the worldwide sustainable energy community - topics for the "Call for Papers & Speakers" can be found at theconference website! Send us your paper or propose a speaker. Deadline for submissions is 10 October 2014. Visit the conference website for detailed information:
Practical information
Languages: simultaneous interpretation into German, English and Russian
Fees: 195 Euro for the European NZEB Conference (26 - 27 February, includes the conferences "Energy Efficiency Watch" and "Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings" and the NZEB site visit). Information on fees for the WSED and its individual events (including student fees) is available online.
Travel and accommodation: detailed information can be found here. We advise you to make your hotel reservation as soon as possible.
The World Sustainable Energy Days 2015
The conference is an integrated part of the World Sustainable Energy Days, one of Europe’s largest conferences on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The event is organised by the OÖ Energiesparverband, the energy agency of Upper Austria. Upper Austria is an ideal location for such a conference: due to consistent policies, today there are more than 1,000 buildings meeting passive building standard and several thousand "Nearly Zero Energy Buildings".
In addition to the NZEB Conference, the World Sustainable Energy Days 2015 offer a number of other high-profile events including the "European Pellet Conference", the "Energy Efficiency Watch Conference", the "Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Conference", the Young Researchers’ Conference, poster presentations and technical site visits. In 2014, the event attracted more than 750 participants from 59 countries.
The conference office is at your disposal for any further questions (T: +43-732-7720-14386, office(at)