In the year 2016, ISHRAE had released the first set of IEQ Standard: 10001-2016, which is defining three levels for various parameters, related to Indian context as well as combining global levels of the IEQ accordingly.
This standard received a positive feedback, especially by many organisations including green building rating agencies. They applied it recommendations in the design practices and evaluation methods for quality of the IEQ. In addition to track and follow up with technological and market developments, a new committee was set up for reviewing and modifying the standard due to further updates.
In relation to this, ISHRAE has been updating the IEQ standard and the 2nd edition is now ready for a public review during the next 60 days. The draft of this new standard is available here for any comments and inputs, which has to be submitted the latest by April 30th 2019.
Read more about the procedure and call for comments here.