Professor Branislav Todorovic graduated from the University Belgrade. Prof Todorovic, started his brilliant career at the University of Belgrade in 1970 when he research actively and taught for several decades. For years he promoted good practices in heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration. He was also guest professor at various Universities. He is the president of the Serbian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
In 1989, he became REHVA’s president. During his presidency he supported the creation of a Russian professional association in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, “ABOK”. During his long and successful career, ”Branko” as his friends call him, promoted the development of engineering schools. Professor Todorovic was president of the organizing committee of REHVA 2000 conference that took place in 1989 in Sarajevo and he also hold the function of Vice-President of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR).
Dr. Todorovic was awarded with REHVAs' golden medal in 2005, is a Fellow of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), is a member of the Russian Academy of Civil and Architectural Sciences and of the Hungarian Scientific Society,
He is also author of over 200 papers, 15 books in the field of HVAC, and he presented lectures at over 50 universities around the world. He is editor of the international journal Energy & Building, published by Elsevier and of Serbian journal for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Long years of fruitful life, good health and creative success, new beginnings, ideas and opportunities!
REHVA congratulates him with his birthday and wishes him together with his wife Marija a 3 x BRANKO hop!