Register here to join (live or online) the hybridGEOTABS workshop on Model Predictive Control in Prague on 17 October.

To share insights on their MPC strategies, hybridGEOTABS consortium is organizing a dedicated workshop on Wednesday 17 October in Prague. Hosted by Energoklastr, the MPC workshop will address both specialists in HVAC and Control, wanting to know more about the practical and theoretical aspects of MPC (development, modelling, implementation, operation), as well as architects, building and HVAC designers wanting to know what MPC has got for them.

The first part of the workshop includes a more general introduction to MPC and to two hybridGEOTABS demonstration buildings with MPC. In the second part of the workshop, speakers will go more in depth on the theoretical and practical aspects of MPC development and implementation. Both parts can also be followed via web-conferencing (link provided upon registration). The day is concluded with a guided tour of the demonstration school building in Libeznice.
Read more here.

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