According to Eurostat, since 2004 renewable energy used for heating and cooling in the European Union (EU) has been steadily increasing from 14% to reach 21% in 2018. On this, industry, services and households have all contributed to the growth in renewable energy used for heating and cooling. Sweden, is topping the list among EU member States, covering only one third of its heating and cooling demand with non-renewable energy, while Latvia, Finland and Estonia more than the half of the energy used for heating and cooling comes from renewables. On the bottom of the list, renewable sources contributed the least to heating and cooling in Ireland and the Netherlands (both 6%), while Belgium and Luxembourg had a share of 8% and 9% respectively.

Here, it is important to clarify that renewable energy also includes derived heat and heat energy (from air, ground or water) captured by heat pumps (however, this information is not yet available from all countries). In 2018, such heat energy contributed more than one quarter (27%) of the energy from renewable sources used for heating and cooling.

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