The European Parliament (EP) ITRE committee is working on an own-initiative report on Maximising the energy efficiency potential of the EU building stock. The aim of such EP reports is to drive the legislation related actions of the European Commission, in this case linked to the Renovation Wave of the EU Green deal. 

Rapporteur Ciarán Cuffe [Verts/ALE] tabled his first draft mid-April 2020, the shadow-rapporteurs then drafted their amendments in the following weeks. REHVA, among other stakeholders, sent comments during this procedure focusing on 3 key issues: adding the improvement of indoor climate and air quality as requirement during energy renovation, amendments to the section on digitalisation, call for the support of EPB standards as a reference in the report. ITRE adopted the compiled Amendments on 15 May 2020. This document shows a strong ITRE support to healthy buildings and the push to increase IEQ during building renovation. REHVA welcomes the proposed amendment of adding a separate heading on Healthy buildings and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in the report and the call “on the Commission to take account in legislative proposals, such as the Renovation Wave, the requirement of healthy buildings in addition to the energy efficiency first principle. ITRE is supposed to vote on the compromise amendments in June 2020, the EP Plenary vote is scheduled during autumn this year.

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